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Posts posted by 4.real

  1. Hmmm, it must be a loooooong time since you sent anything :)

    This page has all the postage rates you could ever want :)http://www.thailandpost.co.th/home.php

    Thanks Crossy.

    Still 17 baht for small letter.

    The reason [for the benefit of the comedian]I asked was because I have no need to go to the post office.Had smiley bothered to read all of my post he would have seen where I purposely informed all that I had stamps at home.

    For his benefit ,there are post boxes scattered around Pattaya

  2. Can anyone tell me if it still costs 17 baht to send a small letter to England?

    Long time since I have posted but still have stamps at home.

    Thanks all in advance for any response.4.Real

  3. To get back on topic, there has for many years been an African presence in Lower Suk especially around soi 3 to soi 5, which in recent years - for whatever reason - did explode somewhat.

    Over the past month or so however there has been a noticeable drop in African numbers in that area but one can only speculate on why this is.

    they have probably joined their buddies 'fishing ' off the coast of Somalia.

    More money to be made and no hassle from the forces of law and order.

    Or married English females along with their many brothers and headed for the easy life...

    At British taxpayers expense.

  4. I guess this is what you get when you have voted for relatively anti-immigration platform of a Tory government...a crackdown on, um, immigration...of all types.

    Are you following the UK papers?

    The populace are pretty annoyed about foreign welfare claimants - but little if anything has been changed by the latest government.

    Given that I was a legal immigrant to the UK for a few years- and unable to claim one penny of welfare - I'm pretty sure that most of the UK papers with stories of 'welfare claimants' are just that, stories.


    Eastern europeans [are you one?] cannot claim any government benefits unless they are in employment.

    When last in London,3 years back, I noticed many of the Roma street beggars were now sitting around offering 'The Big Issue' for sale.

    I was puzzled until I read in The Daily Mail a year ago that by offering the Big Issue for sale they would be classed as 'self employed'

    This qualified them for government benefits to make up their income.

  5. just ask yourselves who took the great out of britain under who's goverment where the afghanistan plane highjackers who held at gunpoint the crew who flew to stansted in 2000.where are they now one guess only.living and working in the mines in south wales we were all brought up with labour the 18years under them has just about fked up uk for life,who was it said gorden brown was a great chancellor?what did he do with our gold reserves.this is for you maggie all is forgiven.

    The damage started much earlier.

    When Macmillan threw out the bill that Churchill had started around 1956 which would have prevented 'rights of residents' to foreigners and commonwealth people.

    It was great Churchill who foresaw this mess coming with his recorded words in Parliament in 1954.'The biggest threat to Britain,at this time, is the prospect of mass coloured immigration'

    Macmillan hated the power of the then working class and allowed massive immigration of mainly illiterates to 'Divide and rule'

    We now have the result.

  6. It's probably been mentioned before but what if the customer takes pics of the jetski before they even get on it. That was there is surely no chance of any stunts being pulled?

    If you thought you had a need to photograph the Jet Ski you would not rent one in the first place.

    The main point of this continuing thread is ,IMO, to Warn newcomers of the scam.

  7. I thought this flood made it apparent why Thailand is resilient and baht is strong. Their labour force is the most necessary labour force right now in the world. Look what happened to the auto manufacturing industries in other countries when Thailands exports quit because of floods. All electronic industry the world over was effected. When Thailand is at a stand still the world has to wait till it it gets going again. Most large companies have put all their eggs in one cheap labour basket.

    Thai cheap labour wil keep industry here and the baht will remain strong. All the dreamers here that think their countries are in control are exactly that dreamers. See how long the USA could survive without Thailand as a trade partner. Japan couldnot be worldly competitive in the auto industry without Thailand.

    As long as labour is cheap and controlled by a few Thailand will keep the trade and baht strong.

    Why do you think we had the coup in 2006?

    Apologies this should have been in reply to the O.P.

    There is no welfare state.

    Impoverished Immigrants do NOT get preferential [none in fact]free housing on arrival.

    Nor do they get free health care including expensive cancer treatment.

    Education is not a free'human right ' to any child .

    Government papers are not printed in up to 30 different languages.

    Schools do not have mutiple costly interpreters.

    there are no open borders.....

    And,to the best of my knowledge,there are no government funded,costly social workers [mainly of immigrant parentage] informing the 'poor' of all their rights to government 'benefits'

    Anything else you need to know?

    If I read this right these are your reasons for a resilient economy? What I read is why it has cheap labour. So same as my post cheap labour is the drawing card. Cheap labour of course has all the problems you mention. Sorry for thinking that was already understood by the educated, in my post.

    I should have added .'There is no need to work for a low wage..No need to work at all. The government of Britain [cannot speak for the other European countries] will pay you more than the minimum wage to stay at home watching tv and producing vast numbers of offspring .

    These offspring will learn that you can live quite happily in England without the hassle of getting up in the morning to go to work.

  8. I thought this flood made it apparent why Thailand is resilient and baht is strong. Their labour force is the most necessary labour force right now in the world. Look what happened to the auto manufacturing industries in other countries when Thailands exports quit because of floods. All electronic industry the world over was effected. When Thailand is at a stand still the world has to wait till it it gets going again. Most large companies have put all their eggs in one cheap labour basket.

    Thai cheap labour wil keep industry here and the baht will remain strong. All the dreamers here that think their countries are in control are exactly that dreamers. See how long the USA could survive without Thailand as a trade partner. Japan couldnot be worldly competitive in the auto industry without Thailand.

    As long as labour is cheap and controlled by a few Thailand will keep the trade and baht strong.

    Why do you think we had the coup in 2006?

    Apologies this should have been in reply to the O.P.

    There is no welfare state.

    Impoverished Immigrants do NOT get preferential [none in fact]free housing on arrival.

    Nor do they get free health care including expensive cancer treatment.

    Education is not a free'human right ' to any child .

    Government papers are not printed in up to 30 different languages.

    Schools do not have mutiple costly interpreters.

    there are no open borders.....

    And,to the best of my knowledge,there are no government funded,costly social workers [mainly of immigrant parentage] informing the 'poor' of all their rights to government 'benefits'

    Anything else you need to know?

  9. I bought mine for a PJS at Boy Air & Sound.

    going out of Pattaya towards Bangkok , past Cholchan Hotel before flyover

    its on your right on the other side of the road

    opposite the Temple/orphanage do a U turn and its 300metres up on your left

    Edit: //

    Also the shop at the Car Park in Big C Extra has some (although more expensive then Boy)

    Thanks for the info, what did you pay for them if you don't mind me asking?


    As a 'mod'and scooter boy in the 60's we would refer to our latest girl as a 'new seat cover'

    I guess any bar on walking st can oblige

  10. The welfare state has been a con on the working man ever since it was introduced.

    Particularly to the most responsible worker ..The childless worker[male/female].

    For starters the mandarins who drew this con up hid the real cost from the working man by dividing the [involuntary] contributions into 2 parts.

    1 Employees contribution

    2.Employers contribution..???

    Roughly divided 50/50.

    BUT...Who actually EARNS the employers contribution?

    Any employer would add this cost to the cost of employing a worker.

    Plus the employer would add this sum to his 'outgoings' when trade unions were seeking better salaries.

    In other words the EMPLOYEE pays both contributions.

    Then, for further insult, the mandarins capped the ceiling to just above what a middle manager would earn, thus making the cost to those with huge salaries quite minimal in comparison.

    And now we who had to pay in for 44 years to gain full state pension are not only capped if we live in Thailand ,but the workers now need only pay for 30 years to qualify for full state pension.

    BTW I read somewhere that most of the judges in the european court ruling understood little ,if any, english.and that one reason we did not get full pension rights was because they decided our pensions are a 'government benefit.

  11. The negativity here is depressing.

    Whatever figure was given out I think TV members would moan saying it was too high or too low.

    That's all you lot do is moan. Your sarcasm is almost racist.

    A determination to find a long term solution to the flood problems is precisely what is needed and it is going to cost a huge amount of money. The money will create a huge number of jobs for Thais and will benefit the whole of Thailand not just Bangkok. Why does everyone here condemn it before anything has even been started. Just because some of the money will go astray is no reason for that. Money goes astray in all government spending all over the world. Look at your home countries before spouting your puritan bullshit here.

    When you grasp the sheer scale of corruption here, you will start to understand.

    I am put in mind of the judges in the highest court in the land.

    The officials awarded themselves a small salary increase. 'Somebody' suggested that they did not have the authority to give themselves this small increase.

    'Okay' they said we will resign from our positions until it is decided whether we acted illegally.....

    I merely wondered what high profile cases which were due to be heard 'ran out of time' during this inactive period.....

  12. 15 years ago i tried a few thai tailors [bKK] recommended by my wife ,a government C.8 official .

    One of these was 'Rajas'

    None were any good and one shirt I had made to measure did look good..But my wife found hat it was impossible to iron.

    Another white shirt quickly 'yellowed' and the collar became limp.

    I have never used any since.I brought shirts from England which remain excellent.Some are more than 20 years old-still good though little worn.

    I was happy [15 years ago] with GQ shop bought trousers which the staff would shorten/lengthen while I waited.

  13. Somebody must come regularly to empty the coin box.

    I guess that they are also instructed to do whatever is necessary to keep the machine clean.

    Should the water become so bad that infection results the word would soon get around.

    It is in the company's interest to keep them hygienic.

  14. Phoned the tourist police again.

    They pick up, then hang up without speaking.

    The tourist police are often useless. I've personally tried calling them several times on different occasions, and I know many people who have done the same, and either they don't answer, say they can't help, or just hang up. Truly pathetic.

    Most of the foreign ones can't even speak Thai, so they are of no use either if someone needs to them help translate during a situation.

    I sincerely hope you are using public phones and NOT your home phones or mobiles.......

  15. Slowly it is becoming an unwelcoming place for tourists.

    Some few years back there were huge cane umbrellas permanently fixed on Jomtien beach.These were perfect for folks coming with their own beach towels or beach chairs.A whole family could comfortably sit under one large umbrella.

    They were also perfect for walkers along the beach as when not in use you could actually SEE the beach and the sea..

    But nobody made any money from these well thought out beach free facilities..

    Jomtien now???

    the beach should be free of deck chairs unless required.

    In all seaside resorts in England I visited years ago the deck chairs were only given to buyers who wanted them.Otherwise they were kept in a large pile.Empty deck chairs were regularly collected as the vendors would lose their licence.

    The jet ski scams are no problem for me as I never use them and would be happy to see the end of them.

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