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  1. Exactly. That is where I thought it was but obviously not. Thanks for your assistance I appreciate it
  2. So that is the correct address. It used to be in Sukhumvit road around Soi13. Thanks for the verification
  3. Guys I need to renew my passport so I have been through the online site and received a booking time. Trouble is they do not give any address as to where you need to go. This is VSFGlobal online. The info I have been able to get is:
  4. Here in Bangkok the last few days have been quite cool
  5. I don't understand all of this as the UK and Thailand has a tax agreement so if the amount is taxed at what ever rate in the UK, why should it be potentially further taxed in Thailand?
  6. No, that is what I see every day. Maybe you should get your head out of your screen and see what is going on around you.
  7. I agree with you. The kids today spend all their free time with their heads over a screen. Of course there are others here that disagree with you but maybe because that is also what they do all day.
  8. True and I assume you know why you cant get vaccinated for Dengue.
  9. Rubbish. The illegals that are coming over have nothing, unless you consider crime as a positive, to offer the country.
  10. If the apology for a government in the UK would stop criticizing the opposition as bad as they were and concentrated on effective measures things would not be like they currently are. If people arrive without verifiable documentation automatically turn them away from the country. Those they let in do not put them in hotels, give them a free phone, money and free healthcare. You would soon see the number drop dramatically.
  11. No I just listened to you and that wouldnt be a dream, more of a nightmare
  12. I would never have guessed and what's more I couldn't care less and I doubt if anyone else here cares.
  13. Why would she give it back you essentially gave it to her? If anyone is to blame it is you. Act foolishly and this is what you get. Get over it, for all purposes you gave it her you cant complain now. If you report it to the police she could take legal action against you for accusing her of theft when you gave her the money.
  14. Could it be that they prefer deprivation to law and order? Plus of course the younger generation actually believe communism is good. Shows you how stupid the so called Gen Z are.

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