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Everything posted by pub2022

  1. New Thai Tax Law 2024? People have nothing better to do than talking about something that doesn't even exist?
  2. If it hits the fan here, what makes you think it's going to be better elsewhere? I could understand if going back to mother land, but you excluded it.
  3. A local who needs to report every 90 days Yeah...sure
  4. You are sadly true. I'd quote them around 40-50% of the westerners living here.
  5. I wonder what kind of medicine they will give him to keep him awake and able to put two words in the right order...
  6. Biden Asks Why Europe Didn't Just Arrest Conservative Candidates Before Election
  7. Having a heart condition and being a PM are two incompatible things. The workload for a prime minister is supposed to be very onerous.
  8. USA, Europe and UK, Canada, Australia have all touched the lowest point of their history and culture after WWII. Russia is clearly in a better position.
  9. Tell us more, please...I'm very curious about the good old times!
  10. I don't see corruption/bribery as 'the problem', neither here nor in any other country. As long as the money coming from it is circulating in the economy, everybody will benefit. In the West, fighting corruption and tax evasion is just an excuse to bring on someone's agenda.
  11. Land of alcoholics is enough. No need for Land of potheads.
  12. One thing is for sure: I've never seen so many young people (falang) collapsing on the floor clearly because of drugs/alcohol mix and abuse.
  13. Well done Thailand! Why do all these dicxheads come to Thailand and start criticize the country on Youtube? Why don't they stay home and try to save their <deleted> up western country instead?
  14. Thailand is full of weirdos falang. Stop paying attention to them and you'll live a better life.
  15. I will leave the day after if they ask me to pay taxes. What I pay in my country is already enough.
  16. I've been using Wise for few years and I've seen fees going up regularly during the time.
  17. It isn't just Thailand, it's happening everywhere. In the West we are in a permanent emergency/crisis (covid, war, climate). People are scared and getting poorer (the middle class is being destroyed). Thailand has been affected by the covid pandemic only and some inflation due to covid and the war. But I'd say that the West is in a much worse condition. Economically and socially. I find the people here to still be friendly and smiling, but less than before. The occasional 'hate you look' didn't happen before. And they are direct on money more than before. Jm2cent
  18. I wouldn't do it. Lots of medicines are made in India today but I'd consider an alternative if available, I don't mind if more expensive.
  19. You clearly had to join the BlackRock/WEF ESG blackmail.
  20. Defund and abolish the UN
  21. Sorry to say but with your history none of the embassy around Thailand will be easy for you. I am afraid that you did not find a reputable agent who could have helped you, if you still have time left then follow this way. Usually good reputable schools can also help with in-country visa conversion, but it seems you failed here as well. Maybe you did not organize your stay in Thailand that good, and now you are in a difficult situation. If you can, take your gf with you and spend 6 months in Vietnam.
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