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Everything posted by whereyougo

  1. Anybody recomend a tradesmen to remove a bathtub?
  2. Yep I went to 711 a few times expecting high Temp's but nothing
  3. How many people died since legalisation, pretty sure none. As for the drug making thais dopey...
  4. You mentioned house sharing... ? You obviously don't have the funds to live there.
  5. Just buy a litre thermos bottle. Done deal
  6. Pushed by a lady. Always a lady boy
  7. Read the article. 2 men in hammocks so this super snake decided kill them both in their sleep,Just for fun, totally unthreatend and off the ground? Idiotic!!!
  8. 99.99 % go missing that want to missing
  9. Me too. They are <deleted> airline and should be avoided untilled bankrupt
  10. Length depends on weighed. It can easy takeoff empty to go next door
  11. Mobile sauna basically. I would do it in oz, nz or Canada but never here. Best option is stay in a hotel near a national park and hire a motorcycle and explore your <deleted> off
  12. Living near a jungle whilst cheap will have grid problems.
  13. How much is the monthly health insurance bill here? Probably cheaper to cop the UK energy bill
  14. Loads if idiot drunk farang bike riders in pattaya and never seen no speeding garbage trucks so yeah it ain't rocket science DO NOT DRIVE DRUNK!!!!
  15. Ugly. Poor British pensioners don't even have their money indexed
  16. Because there wasn't one Person. Odds are a zillion to one. A far better theory is it was drug related maybe wrong place wrong time
  17. Its your theory not mine. Its idiotic
  18. I said you not them A king cobra attacks 2 people in hammocks off the ground and no threat and to big to eat? Search you tube cobra bites to see people screaming in pain. Only an imbicile would think sleep for both of them was possible
  19. Jesus lay off this website you answered within one second.. Before i could edit. Stress and anger will kill you before any snake bite bro
  20. In my country beatings are everywhere at that hour and nobody stole nothing, its a national sport. Thailand is easy
  21. You have any idea the force and pain of a cobra bite? You must be narcissistic trying to force your ridiculous logic but keep digging your hole your hilarious ????
  22. So a cobra goes to one hammock gently inserts fangs carefull not to wake him and then thinks <deleted> it im going for the quinella ????????
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