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Everything posted by Iamfalang

  1. life might be a ponzi scheme. Everything you do might be a scam against you. every....thing. what's not a ponzi? hard work, open mind, generosity, stacking bills (1000s), and reading everything. I'm sold my 1000000 bitcoins at 68,000.....Do I really care if it's a ponzi?? not a bag holder.
  2. went three times. first two solved the symptoms....third time he asked if he wanted me to solve the root of the problem. amazing. guess what, I said yes, and then it was finally solved. go figure....80 baht for medicine (free "evaluation") and you complain. what do you expect for like 100 baht? On the other hand, I walked by a hospital in America.....got a bill for 100,000,000,000,000,000 USD
  3. No secrets in the world. Even China tells us and shows us everything….. all countries all transparent. We need 10 million more of these guys. But everyone afraid. Ok back to my beer
  4. I think technically the Earth is in a closed environment/system.......you know, stratosphere, mesosphere...etc....and how water rotates around...anyhow... Macro is a closed area? I guess. Big C? I guess. Every store? probably. get ready for the evil eye!!!!! oh farang, you no wear mask, evil, evil, stay away unless you give us money!!!!
  5. Mental illness is a thing. Delusion is real. This is why I never, ever, ever want to have a falang "friend." Very unstable. Sure, 1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000 are OK
  6. What do you mean, "want"? If he wants to, do. How is this his decision???? I need S.W.A.T. and Rambo on the line, now!!! Triangulate his call, and I want the smart car in motion!!!
  7. I think ALL falang country where the falang roam are free now. no masks in country of falang. so falang, u no like like, u go home and no mask for falang. up to you
  8. some girls carry positive tests in their bag, and even buy some online. NOT saying she did this, but I'd go to the doctor with her for another test. Told her you can't have a child? well, I think everyone here could write a book on this .... and I'm sure you can figure out what they would say. All I will say is this: my dad was everything in my life, no clue how bad life would be if I didn't know my dad.
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