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Everything posted by Dazkkk

  1. Thai police phoned him and said “don’t worry, we’ve spotted you in your yellow wife beater shirt on satellite”, keep still, help is on its way. ????
  2. “National police chief Pol. Gen. Damrongsak Kittiprapas issued an order on Saturday, February 4th, requiring all checkpoint police officers to store their body cam footage of their conduct at the checkpoint for at least 20 days” This rule is only to be followed in an emergency, ie when the person you’re extorting money from is using their IPhone/Android camera to film you.
  3. I was only ever asked to show Baht 800K in bank on yearly renewal, never asked for 99 day reporting, this was at BKK Immigration. It would have been a bit difficult to do it any other way, as I did the following 3 x 90 day reports by post. Never any problems. Never ceases to amaze me how various immigration departments can screw up such a simple process by changing or adding their own stupid requirements at will. Sack the lot and put the rest on the night shift. ????
  4. My wife and son both with dual Thai/UK Nationality have entered Thailand on expired Thai passports twice and never encountered any problems. She has arranged her visits back home around the time their passports expired and renewed them in BKK. I think from memory, the passports are posted to her home there within 2 weeks. ????
  5. Give it 6 months and those “corrupt cops” will be walking back the other way and the carpet will be red. No one can put a real dent in how cops in Thailand run their very lucrative business, it’s been tried so many times before without success.
  6. My and my wife’s bank accounts for first 2x6 month visas, also for 10 year visas + bank accounts that her parents had setup in UK using our address, showing transfer of funds from Thailand on a regular basis. However, I’m pretty sure it was mainly based on our UK accounts which show considerable funds, enough to cover any future requirements they may have.
  7. There could well be proof of a money transfer, the hard part to prove is, was it fraud or a gift.
  8. Had a 5 filter (inc ultra violet filter) fitted in the house over 20 years and it has worked fine provided you changed filters At recommended intervals. As to the 1b a litre ones, I’d steer well clear and buy bottled water in 7/11 it’s so cheap.
  9. We’ve used the Standard visa (6month) to bring wife’s family of 4 over for several years in succession, then went for the 10 year visa which they now use each year for visiting us in the UK. More expensive, but saves doing multiple visa applications each year and avoids all the hassle of visiting BKK for interviews etc.
  10. If you don’t know the amount then get “the principle” to count up how much is owed and post the amount on here. ????
  11. There is a big chance of her getting the money back, but absolutely no chance any cop will be prosecuted. TIT.
  12. Took 5 to catch an AWAL holiday maker. We can all sleep sound in our beds now.
  13. Liptons tea has always been weak enough to be a fortnight. ???? Tea.
  14. Here’s my head, my ass is coming, but we’ll both meet up on the final sunrise and reminisce until the final sunset. ????
  15. Not guilty mlud I was nowhere near there, I was extorting 10,000 Baht from a little old lady 10k away.
  16. If these girls were in many schools in Japan, they’d have to show teachers that they were wearing white underwear. <deleted> perverts, the lot of them.
  17. Not only will no police officers be charged with extortion, the Korean lady’s will be accused of stealing the video cameras.
  18. Way back when in HuaHin a young girl was crossing the railway line on her motorcycle going down Soi 102 at night, whilst on her mobile to her mum who lived 209 metres away. Didn’t look right and a train going south took her out. Sad part was her mother heard her screams as the train rode over her. A year later at the same crossing, a father and daughter in their new pickup crossed early morning chatting to each other and a train took them both out. It seems that some people get so wrapped up in their world they fail to pay attention to what’s going on around them.
  19. I’d thought about such a setup for wifes Thai family and I’m very interested in this thread. I have an EV here in UK and just had a quote for £30k for 16 Solar Edge 370 watt panels, 2 Solar Edge 10 KWH Batteries, Solar Edge Inverter and an Emlite 1-PH meter. I get cheap electric for 4 hours nightly via Octopus Energy, which goes to power the car’s battery (68kwh), with the arrays filling the 2 batteries for use in the house or exporting to the National Grid. Still shopping around for other quotes as the price is too high. Did a quick calculation on power costs for the car which has done 35k miles in 18 months and just electric costs work out at 1 pence per mile compared to my diesel car which is horrendous at the moment because of high fuel prices.
  20. Indonesia is well known for its executions. They tend to gather up a couple of dozen convicted killers and drug smugglers every few months and ship them off to a small island where they are lined up against a wall and it’s good night everyone.
  21. Sound a bit like the new railway from BKK to HuaHin proposed many years ago, a lot of which was going to be built over the sea on stilts with money from the Chinese, have they started that yet? I take everything the Thai government says with a huge pinch of salt, like they promised to remove all those illegal beachfront restaurants built on stilts in Hua Hin by the Hilton. That promise was made 40 years ago and they’re still there. ????
  22. I lived in Thailand for years with my Thai wife, who’s family had several, very successful business in HuaHin. I was on a retirement visa and was always careful not to do anything in the business that could be construed in any way as “work”. I wouldn’t even move a chair or serve a customer when they were busy. I did do a bit of DIY on our house and garden because that’s allowed, but she usually employed a Thai to do maintenance jobs in the business. It’s not just the authorities you have to be careful of, it could be a jealous farang friend that turned you in. I had a English friend in Cha Am who got dobbed in by a so called Farang friend for doing minor jobs in his wife’s business and it caused him endless problems with immigration for years after that.
  23. Bitcoin is probably at the top of that list mate. ????
  24. I saw an item on another Thai forum the other day showing the Department of transportation or some such august organisation, where they had dozens of guys being taught how to paint several Zebra Crossings as a training exercise, while many officials looked on and pointed. Luckily these crossings were nowhere near any roads. Imagine how I laughed and laughed and laughed. ????????????
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