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Everything posted by Hellfire

  1. Actually, he only has 700 usd left and will be kicked out of his prostitute gf house the next minute the money is finished.
  2. And he also has a golden strap-on which his gf uses on him whenever she is in a bad mood (and she almost always is).
  3. Another cuckold’s story. She will use your credit card to buy the best and the biggest strap-on to try it on you…
  4. Nonetheless, I prefer the scam of marrying a dumb and delusional foreigner (with money). The victim then proceeds to buy a piece of Thai land, creating a cozy nest for himself and his beloved snake. It is, I might say, a purer form of robbery.
  5. The same type of “crime” is executed by thousands of foreigners all over Thailand (not only Russians). I am pretty sure that many users of this forum participated and still participate in this kind of schemes. I wonder if those are the same people who are posting “russian mafia” messages in this thread? What level of hypocrisy is that?
  6. I bet you are not indeed a Russophile (which has nothing to do with being putin’s fan), just an old sociopathic clown.
  7. What a fascinating culture! My favorite one, along with the cultures of the ancient Egypt and Greece. Do pedophiles have their own culture too? Would like to know more!
  8. “He confessed to venturing outside his abode only during evenings to procure essentials, all in a bid to avoid run-ins with law enforcement” Does simply living in Pattaya justifies this kind of sacrifice of having a count Dracula lifestyle for 6 years?
  9. It only means that the Thais (mostly naive people not interested in reading books and learning from the past) are more susceptible to the tech hype than the Europeans (mostly interested in history and greedy). Just give them some more time.
  10. It's a damn tough choice: buying property in Thailand and entrusting 51% ownership rights to some fictitious Thais or entrusting 100% to one’s Thai wife. Personally, my choice is clear: never put myself in such a dilemma.
  11. The reason for this kind of questions is different: they just have nothing else to talk about. Imagine meeting up with a horse that somehow learned to speak. What will it talk to you about? I bet it will be hay or something similar.
  12. Never be so stupid as to forget (even for a minute) that those trans creatures are actually men in women’s clothes! More so - mentally unstable men!
  13. If only we had more filthy rich foreigners committing suicide in Thailand and leaving all their money to dirty poor (they always are, aren’t they?) Thais - we would get tons of smiles from these people.
  14. I like to see something like this being often advertised as a rule number 1 for getting rich. Because I know that 99% of people who will follow it are not my competitors in a race for big money. They are doomed.
  15. Watching the Thai Tv News giving attention to this event in a way that mostly ignores the tragic suicide aspect of it and, instead, concentrating on a lottery-like winning experience by the Thai maid, I cannot keep myself from thinking that this is actually what most of the Thais expect all the rich farangs to do one day: give them all their money and disappear (one way or another). Some wait until farang dies from the natural causes, some are luckier. Now, finally, we know the exact formula: good farang = dead farang.
  16. You don't even legally own a single rotten durian from that farm, let alone anything else. If I were in your shoes, I'd be terrified just to glance at my wife in a way that she might misinterpret negatively. To me, you represent the worst kind of gambler.
  17. What's the purpose of putting in all this effort if everything ultimately ends up in your wife's possession?
  18. It was slightly higher than 38 in October 2022
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