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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. One thing that was a bit strange is that the luggage allowance is only 20KG, but that didn't really bother me as I wasn't bringing so much stuff with me.

    That's probably because the leg Birmingham/Amsterdam is in economy.

    BKK/AMS is 30 kgs in business.



    Haven't done it, but I've heard they are more flexible when they know it's a connection with a business class flight with a partner airline.


    But after traveling through Schiphol Amsterdam 100' s of times it is my experience that flexibility and KLM do not mix very well. :o:D :D



  2. Hi Maigo6,

    Yes I'm very happy in Thailand. Just started my 19th year here (august).

    However I must admit that going back to my home country twice a year for 1 week each time, helps me to get rid of the little annoyances that creep up and start accumulating. It's every time a reality check and always I'm happy to return to my now home country.

    Thailand is a beautiful country and the most beautiful part are the people.

    I like your posts, except for your stance on smoking :o , so plse keep up the good work.



  3. For once I have to agree with Guesthouse.

    The OP asks for guidance because he did not think of making an agreement with his wife to be, before marrying.

    Anyway I find it very discomforting that nearly everybody assumes it has to be the Thai wife's fault.

    There are always 2 sides to every story.

    Just my 2 cents



  4. Hiya,

    I have some friends landing at swampy from Koh Samui,on Bangkok Airways,where is the arrivals for domestic??,or do they all mix in with the arrivals from The Uk,USA,etc.in the same terminal??.


    According their website domestic arrives at exit A (i.e. the most left when you stand in front of the terminal)

    See map here : http://www.airportthai.co.th/airportnew/sun/map2.asp?lang=en

    hope to have helped



  5. It's a pleasure to shop at Foodland.


    Why are the staff in a European owned supermarket IE... Lotus Tesco ( not extremely well trained and efficient )

    Indeed, best meat also. Little bit more expensive for some items but who cares?

    As for efficiency, where there is no or very little supervision service level will drop.

    At Foodland, the cash registers are all in immediate view of one of the floor managers, that probably helps.

    just my 2 cents



  6. That all said, smoking bans, fine with me. I smoke less on a night out.

    Funny that the most tolerant attitude comes from smokers on this thread. The majority of the non-smokers show little tolerance and or outright hostility, even one expressing his hope that all smokers die a painful death.



  7. And say your mates in the government see a way to make some extra bucks in 'commission' for assisting a successful bidder to be awarded the contract to build the new airport, not to mention all the other bits of commission that can be picked up along the way in awarding concessions for the Duty Free etc.

    And that's why there are two airports in Bangkok.

    A bit like Palin's pipeline then ?



  8. Fenerbahce/Arsenal 2 : 5

    Goalgetters :

    Adebayor, Walcott, Diaby, Song and Ramsey each 1

    (Oh yes also Sylvestre scored but for the wrong team)

    Go Gunners !!!!!!



    And now you have figured out why we let him join Arsens Red Army...pure sabatoge I tell you :o

    Well I think they let him join the wrong team. Should have been Everton !!!!!!



  9. Fenerbahce/Arsenal 2 : 5

    Goalgetters :

    Adebayor, Walcott, Diaby, Song and Ramsey each 1

    (Oh yes also Sylvestre scored but for the wrong team)

    Go Gunners !!!!!!



  10. Schumacher is to be admired for the way he brought Ferrari back from a deep slump.

    Schumacher was indeed a bully and I did not admire him for that, but it also has to be mentioned that he was a bully in a calculating way.

    Reading through all that, i would say that you were a Schumacher fan, although perhaps not too keen to admit it. Bullys are ok if they are calculating it seems. My case rests.

    I would like to remind you that English is not my first language and that I sometimes have difficulty expressing myself in a way that is completely understandable.

    I was NOT a Schumacher fan, in fact I'm not a fan of any particular driver and it seems that helps me to to be more dispassionate than you seem to be.

    Please discontinue to put words in my mouth that I didn't say.


  11. Sorry that you are drawing a line under this discussion Onzestan as i was enjoying the banter.

    What you think about Senna and Schumacher is very pertinent to this discussion about drivers who bully and your dislike for Hamilton. I maintain that i think there's something more as to why you feel the way you do about him, but had you come out and said that you didn't admire, like or support Senna or Schumacher either, it would have proved my suspicions incorrect and my apology would have been forth-coming. That you don't seem prepared to comment on these drivers, rather suggests i was right in my thinking. In other words, it was ok for them bully, but it's not ok for Hamilton.

    OK I'll bite.

    I don't know much about Senna because at that time I was to busy working and studying to have time for F1.

    Schumacher is to be admired for the way he brought Ferrari back from a deep slump.

    Schumacher was indeed a bully and I did not admire him for that, but it also has to be mentioned that he was a bully in a calculating way.

    As to where the sport would be without Senna or Schumacher is something we will never know, most probably some other drivers would have come to the forefront.

    Anyway it is not my intention to offend you regarding Lewis Hamilton, but to close your eyes for all his shortcomings is a bit over the top I believe, and you have others here on this forum that think exactly like I do.

    Furthermore in view of what happened last season it's no surprise to me that many have a bit of antipathy against everything McLaren.


  12. Yes, you made it clear you don't like bullies, but you still haven't given your opinion on Senna or Schumacher. The bulliest of them all but what would the sport have been without them?

    This is my last post on this topic.

    What I think about Senna and Schumacher has absolutely nothing to do with this topic.

    Lewis Hamilton is a bully that doesn't give a dam_n about the safety of himself and others and is an accident waiting to happen.

    A driver that goes on a rampage because a red car had the audacity to pass him in the Japanese GP is not worthy of a seat in a F1 car as far as I'm concerned.

    And also let's not forget last year when McLaren was caught with their pants down cheating and lying.

    And the truth came out (partialy) only after Hamilton and Alonso were given immunity.

    Even if they haven't used the information and the technology they stole (as they claim - again a lie), it's a very big advantage to know what your opponents are doing.

    Now I've said it! Case closed.


  13. Now for you to say that you feel uncomfortable with Hamilton's style i could understand. I too feel he could do with calming down his driving at times. But for you to argue that he isn't the best driver out there right now, and that Vettel has more promise, shows to me that you have some other agenda here or reason to be anti Hamilton, because all the evidence is out there on the track for everyone to see. Perhaps your nationality is effecting your opinion?

    Anyway, i certainly have no interest or desire to try and persuade you or anyone else to become a fan of Hamilton's. If you don't like him and don't rate him that's fine. I do think though the history of time will show you are wrong. Time will tell.

    Now that's not a nice thing to say isn't it.

    No I'm not German and a quick look at my profile would have told you that.

    The fact is that I appreciate young drivers showing their qualities with inferior material, as opposed to a young driver that has been the recipient of superior cars, infrastructure etc, and then starts bullying his way to the top.

    As I said before this is my personal opinion, and as much as you're a Hamilton fan you cannot deny me that.

    no malice intended



  14. Wow, the Arsenal topic on the 2nd page!!!!

    That's not where we belong so come on Arsenal Fans let's keep ourselves at the top (even if only on this website).



  15. Oh Dear, oh dear oh dear,

    Massa doesn't give in to Hamilton's bullying tactics (he's known for that you know) and all of a sudden he's the bad guy.

    Who was bullying who? Hamilton passed Massa into the corner, and then Massa cut the next turn and drove into the side of Hamilton. I'm confused...

    Dear Rivalex,

    You're clearly a Hamilton fan, and clearly I'm not.

    Here's an article from the espnstar website, and if anything, their F1 program should be named "The I love Hamilton and McLaren Show", especially Steve Slater.

    Also for me it's drivers, spectators, mechanics etc. safety that is paramount and clearly young Lewis doesn't give a sh.t about that.

    Sebastian Vettel is in my book a far more promising young driver in view of the fact that he has to do it with an inferior car to McLaren's.

    Anyway you have your opinion and I have mine so let's agree to disagree.




  16. Hi Guys,

    You can call me loony or everything you want, that doesn't bother me at all, since I know where it's coming from.

    I know that nothing I or anyone else can say will change anything, because you're all in constant denial as to the truth about your conditions.

    You have the right to ruin your own lives it's your choice, but that's not the point isn't it.

    The point is no matter what you guys think about the law, it is what it is and no matter how much drugs you take it isn't going to change that fact.

    Have fun as long as it lasts.


  17. Oh Dear, oh dear oh dear,

    Massa doesn't give in to Hamilton's bullying tactics (he's known for that you know) and all of a sudden he's the bad guy.

    ok I'll get my coat now.



    majority english here, McLaren should win, no matter how wreckles lewis drives, everyone else is cheating, or the Mosley Conspiracy? :o

    Wow, thank you, seems I'm not the only one to dislike McLaren's golden boy's antics.

    I wonder who really was to blame for last years controversy with Alonso?

    And Ron Dennis can claim (lie) as much as he wishes that there are no team orders at MacLaren, we all know better don't we?

    Just ask Kovalainen who clearly is not a happy camper for the moment.

    My 2 cents


  18. Oil stand at $ 77 a barrel, not sure how much Av-Gas is,

    I'm about to travel to Oz and the taxes and fuel surcharges

    only are at over B. 16,000 at the moment

    Bangkok airways has drooped it's fuel charges by 11%

    when will Thai Inter will follow suit ?

    Don't know about Thai but Qatar minus 20 %



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