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  1. How to start a chainsaw and prevent having children, all in one yank...
  2. WOW! .3%. That many? Just wow. I need to be more aware of my surroundings I guess, 'cause I didn't notice.
  3. Yeah, when in the States last year for a few months, selling my vehicle and other items, the scammers were unbelievable. Don't ever want to go through that again. Guess I'll get a Facebook account and use it on the phone I want to sell, haha. I live rural, but have a place in BKK. Think I'll wait until I go there, stay a few weeks. That should make things a lot easier.
  4. Items are valuable.
  5. Okay, thanks, but would you transfer money to a stranger and hope to get what you bought? I'm not familiar with any of this so forgive me if I'm missing something.
  6. Suggestions on how to get paid by, and get the item to the buyer? Local, no issues, 200 kilometers, how do folks accomplish that? I would assume there are issues with scammers.... Thanks.
  7. Thanks much.
  8. What is the best way to sell items here in LOS? I have a number of items I have no need of: I don't use Facebook, so please don't suggest that. Any other classified avenues? Thanks for any valid suggestions.
  9. Spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana: Oh, we haven't thought of that yet....get back to ya soonest.
  10. 40 million baht to 'own' less than 1/2 an acre...? Bwaaa-hahahaha! Beverly Hills wannabes... What business in today's economic climate would be wise to invest in, in the Land of Schemes?
  11. someone else's comorbidities do not take precedence over my own health. Surgeons change masks every 20-30 minutes, and, something no one I have ever met knows, supplemental oxygen is pumped into surgical suites because the surgeons are wearing masks. Not a lot of supplemental oxygen in Bangkok. People who would never put Diet Coke in their gas tank, guzzle it and eat garbage I would not feed to my dog, but you want me to respect them? Nope. Not my problem.
  12. Gotta love Karma, haha.... He was hit as he sat, sure enough.... then Pathumsuthi-ly slumped over his gear shift (which is what got him in trouble in the first place).
  13. Police General Mee Bangalottashots expressed his condolences to the owners of the Isuzu, which died despite being rushed to the mechanic shop.
  14. If so, then I am also bashing the Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese. My comment was not demeaning; it was a cultural observation. And thank you for the thoughtful suggestions on how I can be a better person.
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