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Posts posted by borisloosebrain

  1. statistical comparison of the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama shows a series of devastating results for the current White House tenant.

    A study suggests that Bush was more successful in 14 of the 16 categories chosen by the conservative Alabama Policy Institute (API).

    For instance the number of Americans on food stamps was 19.2 million under the 43rd president, but now stands at 39.5 million. The increase in the national debt was 28.6 percent under Bush and 50.6 percent under Obama.

    Other figures show the three-year average cost for a family’s health insurance was a little over $8,000 under Bush, but a little over $14,000 now.

    Perhaps the most startling is that, the gross national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product — 61.6 percent under Bush, but 98.7 percent under Obama — and total job creation which was plus 440,000 in the Bush years but minus 2,760,000 under Obama, according to the Institute’s figures.

    Also showes the average length of unemployment had gone up from 5.3 weeks in the Bush years to 9.6 weeks now, while average per capita income had gone down by nearly $5,000 from $31,644 to $26,727.

    "It was important to API that we provide an apples-to-apples comparison," the institute’s policy director and general counsel, Cameron Smith said.

    "Since President Obama's first term is not over, we did not pair statistics of his incomplete term with those of President Bush's full term. If data was only available for the first three years of Mr. Obama's administration for a particular statistic, we compared that figure to the same information from the first three years of the Bush administration."

    The two items that Obama came out ahead of Bush on were the number of new government regulations, which AMI said stood at 11,017 under the current president and 13,615 under his predecessor, and in the change in the S&P 500, up 74.3 percent under Obama, but down 32.6 percent under Bush.

    The API is hardly a credible source to quote - bunch of right wing religious nutters "we were called by god to create this institute'. Of course they will come up with whatever statistics suits their cause.

  2. Seh Daeng had a big mouth, that was his downfall, only one person had anything to lose by Seh Daeng shooting his mouth off, the same person who's pictured in snaps taken while he was visiting his friend in Dubai and which were proudly displayed on his Facebook page.

    • Like 2
  3. She'd do better if she changed the law to make the death penalty a thing of the past, to be replaced by life in imprisonment

    Agree. There should be no talk of home detention ankle bracelets (are they Aussie invented?) for the two examples given. They both should be held in maximum security prisons doing some hard time.

    The fact that this is being done on the Dubai fugitive convicted criminal's birthday shows the Shinawatra Mafia Amart families leader has little contempt for anything of Thailand than his and his families reward and gain. Imelda is back running for MP in the Philippines. Hun Sen would be so impressed that his Cambodian style of leadership to rubbing off on Lord Thaksin. And the Amart trading in Asia carries on. No Democracy anywhere in sight.

    Thaksins birthday isn't for a few months yet..: try July

  4. A Vejjajiva blocks an interview with a Vejjajiva - family feud or sibling rivalry? Hmmm... a turncoat in the PTP camp - the mind boggles.

    Suranand was quoted a few years back as saying that because he's Abhisits "older "cousin

    Abhisit has to Kreng jai him..... I guess that makes Suranand worth his weight in gold to Yingluck. He can do what wants to his younger cousin without ever having to justify his actions or explain himself to his younger relative or anyone else for that matter.

  5. TB sucks. It is however treatable but the antibiotics have rough side effects..A member of my Thai family had it and the meds caused him endless problems like gastro vomiting and mood swings until we added yoghurt to his diet to replace to the bacteria in his gut and stopped him taking the iron tablets prescribed by the doctor...which are notorious for affecting moods...the doctors are good but they only go by the textbook and cant think outside the box that defines what they learnt at med school which is all pharmaceutical based treatments. They fail to address basic issues of diet ( like replacing good bacteria killed off by the antibiotics by eating yoghurt or probiotics) or alkalising the body with apple cider vinegar and baking soda..all very effective methods without bad side effects. We also got him on a well targeted protocol of vitamins and minerals to build up his immune system. And added some things to his diet while eliminating others.After a month he went from looking like he was on his deathbed to looking and feeling better than he has for years. TB is not caused by pollution..if it was there'd be outbreaks in polluted cities everywhere. It's a crappy infection that's easily passed on and those who have it need to be kept in a safe isolated space and well treated with drugs and good diet ( no mama noodles !) and certain vitamin supplements.

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  6. Who wrote your speech?

    My bet is that the 'speech' was written in Dubai.

    As neither she nor her brother can speak or write even remotely fluent English the only option remaining is [drum roll] Bobby Amsterdam. His trademark is the messing up of facts as he hates to study files (He even compared the Yellow Shirts to Mr Mugabe's "War Veterans", much to Khun Thaksin's dismay). That was also the reason he failed as corporate lawyer and became a self acclaimed "human rights lawyer". With equal success, as his first famous client, Mr Mikhail Khodorkovsky, will gladly confirm, as he got some extra years in a Russian slammer thanks to Mr Amsterdam's relentless lobbying.

    It may have been written by Abhisits cousin, he is one the PMs advisors and is fluent in English

  7. Good luck getting the coppers of their <deleted> to help...my kid got mugged and robbed twice last year while on the way home, lost his phone,money and ID card and the slackers wouldn't lift a finger...didn't make a report, refused his request to check the cctv. I guess Chuwit might have a few more strings to pull than we did.

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