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Posts posted by borisloosebrain

  1. TM is not a Buddhist technique. It's the Maharishi's adaptation of Hindu meditation technique. When you start to learn TM there's a Hindu puja to give thanks for your teacher and your teacher's teachers. The personal mantra that you are given (and is given to anyone born in the same year and is of the same sex,) is the name of a Hindu god. The mantra I was given was to Lakshmi.

    Whilst an effective form of relaxation (for me at least), TM doesn't produce the mental focus and clarity that other techniques such as (Buddhist) Ānāpānasati (mindfulness of breathing).

    A few years ago the price of learning TM was hiked enormously. You now pay a lot of money for relatively little. The TM movement seems now primarily to be a money-making machine.

    Since TM is a standard mantra japa technique (apart from the eye closing and opening at the start of group meditations), if a mantra japa technique is what you want, I'd suggest you save your money and learn in a different Hindu tradition. And if you're just looking for any meditation technique, consider learning at any of the Buddhist temples in Thailand which cater for English speakers, or with one of the Buddhist societies.

    When you say "You now pay a lot of money for relatively little. " I beg to differ - to describe TM as relatively little is very misleading. It is an extraordinarily effective tool that has had huge impact on so many people who've practiced it. It's benefits are are immediate and become greater as time goes on. To squibble over paying to learn it is to miss the bigger picture of how profoundly it can improve your quality of life on every level which such minimal effort.


  2. Think outside the box Rick - NM is just an example some laws have conequences that are way beyond the damage caused by the 'crime'

    Imprisonment in a THAI jail in many cases would fit that category- a guy died in the immigration centre a while back because he didn't recieve medical attention.

    Under Eclipses regime that would be just a consequence he had to suffer due to his breaking of the law by overstaying his visa. As ridiculous and unjustified as NMs imprisonment.

  3. The same mentality kept Nelson Mandela in jail for years - breaking a law.

    I do not remember Nelson Mandela overstaying his Thai Visa.

    Please try and keep up.

    You never mentioned the word visa in your first post - just 'break the law suffer the consequences'

    I was bringing it down to your simplistic level and thoughtless level

    Sure one should not not break the law However sometimes there are extenuating circumstances beyond ones control and in many cases the consequences do not always suit the offense.

    Once upon a time the Brits would transport their poor to Australia for stealing a loaf of bread - that same dumb punitive mentality is still alive and well on this forum.

    You could perhaps try and keep up. Visa overstay is a victimless crime - not always intentional- if you think imprisoning people in an overcrowded filthy jail cell without exception for such an offense is fine then good for you.

    There are kids in jail in Nonthaburi aged nine imprisoned for stealing candy -their families are too poor to bail them out -but hey they broke the law - tough luck eh ! Let them suffer the consequences as you say.

  4. Ah, the usual lock em up, throw away the key, hang em high brigade are on the keyboards. Congratulations you lot, obviously you have never had a serious problem in your life, at least not yet. I don't wish any such problem on you either, but please realise that some people, and very often through no fault of their own find themselves in such a mess.

    Friendly smiling people, seems like paradise, then they lose all their money, stolen or scammed, usually, but not always by the Thai's, then they find themselves broke and on overstay.

    This is not always the case, of course there are vagabonds out there, I grant you, but lets not group all overstayers together, there are genuine hardship cases.

    Life is rarely black and white, I think you guys watch too many movies, goodies and baddies movies, perhaps the A Team, just grow up.

    Law enforcement here, if you can call it that, is all about money, nothing else. The threat of a jail sentence can be overcome by a bigger back pocket payment and the police know that. That is the only motive. It's all about getting as much money as possible from the dreaded foreigner....as usual.

    Excellent , intelligent response , thank you.

    The amount of self righteous punishment junkies commenting is astounding.


    Follow the law and you will not have a proplem.

    Break the law and face the consequences . It is as simple as that.

    The same mentality kept Nelson Mandela in jail for years - breaking a law.

  5. no this is going to scare a lot of people. they vshould at least give a bit of grace like not start for a month so overstayers can leave

    No, they shouldn't wait. These people who're doing any crimes and/or overstay for such a long time made it for so many years pretty hard for those who pay taxes, always working with a WP and always having a valid visa.

    It's already obvious that many Thais started to dislike us foreigners because of so many who broke the rules.

    How's it in other countries? I'm sure people like you are always for the Immigration in your home country that foreigners without a valid visa are getting kicked out, right?

    To be perfectly honest, i hate to read so many stories about criminals from other countries. As a matter of fact, they think we're all similar.

    There's only a few reasons for an overstay, like an accident. NO MERCY. :jap:

    Let's hope one day you find yourself in a situation where you have to plead for mercy for reasons that you may think are genuine but that others don't. What goes round comes round including " no mercy".

  6. Ah, the usual lock em up, throw away the key, hang em high brigade are on the keyboards. Congratulations you lot, obviously you have never had a serious problem in your life, at least not yet. I don't wish any such problem on you either, but please realise that some people, and very often through no fault of their own find themselves in such a mess. 

    Friendly smiling people, seems like paradise, then they lose all their money, stolen or scammed, usually, but not always by the Thai's, then they find themselves broke and on overstay.

    This is not always the case, of course there are vagabonds out there, I grant you, but lets not group all overstayers together, there are genuine hardship cases.

    Life is rarely black and white, I think you guys watch too many movies, goodies and baddies movies, perhaps the A Team, just grow up.

    Law enforcement here, if you can call it that, is all about money, nothing else. The threat of a jail sentence can be overcome by a bigger back pocket payment and the police know that. That is the only motive. It's all about getting as much money as possible from the dreaded foreigner....as usual.

    Excellent , intelligent response , thank you.

    The amount of self righteous punishment junkies commenting is astounding.

  7. Shall I tell you what you really should do? It's all about face. If you make him lose more and even worse, lose his job...it could well escalate.

    If you really want to be sure that nothing will happen, take note of the saying; "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer".

    Buy some fruit and go together with your child to give it to him. Getting your child to give it to him together with a little wai will work wonders. Not only will he gain face, but it shows to everyone that you understand the Thai way. Now he has no more reason to simmer with anger and for you to feel in danger.

    He will be hard pressed to be ungracious to a respectful young child. he will lose his face if he does.

    That's the most sensible advice yet.

    As for going to the cops it will only make him lose face again and that could be very counter productive

    It's all about face

    Let him gain it rather than lose it.

  8. hansum, I noticed in another post that you ask for advice on getting a bus ticket to Cambodia from Pattaya. No offense but that combination: Living Pattaya, Visa bus runs, visiting Cambodia... sounds a bit farang kee nok.

    Perhaps this is the real reason you complain so much?

    You shouldnt jump to conclusions .... My reason for being here is so i can legally avoid paying the British govt. about 55,000 pounds a year in tax for the next 3 yrs as i'll be working offshore 1 month on 1 month off.

    I'm in Jomtien as the mother of my child recently came back to Thailand to give birth, and possibly live for a few years after giving up quite a good job in England, she didnt wish to live in BKK due to the troubles last month when i was looking for an apartment.... so as some stability is needed i rented a place here for 3 months .... i was going to move to BKK yesterday and become part of high society but im too tight to lose my deposit after only 1 month of being here.

    Besides the milk is crap here for a decent cup of tea. ;)

    Thought of buying a cow ?

  9. Martin a recent 'issue' similar to this was solved by ignoring the Police. Private negotiations were the order of the day - a figure of 500,000 Baht was offered. On the night of exchange - there were around 20 people in sight of the kidnappers who arrived with a small entourage. The money was never paid and the Thai contingent ended up with a few broken bones. Their child was unharmed but if you do not seize the opportunity to break this now - there is a good chance you will lose your child.

    Now this may get all the do-gooders happening and complaining but TIT - the police are a waste of time and only interested in extracting money. Use private individuals who can just have your child returned and if I were you I would not involve the 'system'. If they are already involved every day that passes is a day that may prove to be anther brick in the wall.

    But by all means, choose the route which suits you best and these words are passed in sincerity - not meant to be anything other than a solution in lawless Thailand that does and has worked. You can also contact groups like SISHA who will guide you but they deal mainly in human trafficking. I would put no trust in any Thai police group or person unless they hold rank of Pol Lt General or better as they can issue orders and problems will go away but it will still cost. Wish I could offer more comforting advice. :)

    Excellent advice - remember it's the of the money jungle here - nothing else

  10. Thanks for posting my son's story and photo, if anyone thinks they might have seen him in Bangkok anywhere or has contacts who might be able to get us to get the local police interested in helping us find him, please get in touch.

    He was last known to be being held in the Saphan Taksin Soi 8 area.



    My missus and her kids live in that Soi have done for over a decade -it's just over the river only 5 - 10 mins from Sathorn Rd

    I don't see them every week but i will show her the photo when i see her next- it i s not a rich area so it may be that money is the key to getting him back. They are mostly poor folks( my missus family are about the poorest of the poor) and it is common for them to rip each other off and/or cheat their neighbours - sorry to say it but its true- i know this from years of personal experience

    Good luck to you - this must be absolutely heartbreaking for you


    email me with your ph number if you want me to call you

    I don't know whether i can be of any use at all - but from what i know - thaksin soi 8 money talks more than anything else

    A reward would always speak louder than morality - i would never accept one but most thais i know in that area would....

  11. When I go into BKK I come from the north and it seems to me that it would be a good idea to complete the partly built sky train to Don Muang and use the vacent parts of the old airport as a cheap parking area.

    This would keep a lot of traffic out of the city easing congestion and would also provide a direct connection between the buses from the north and speedy way to travel into the city centre.

    A similar thing could be considered from the east with the out of town busses connecting with the new airport sky train and a parking area built close to the station.

    That's a good idea !!

  12. BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration will actively seek suggestions from expatriates on ways to revive the capital after the political crisis ebbs.

    Governor Sukhumbhand Paripatra yesterday told the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand that Bangkok nowadays did not belong only to Thais but also to foreigners who work and live in the city.

    They should be invited to share their ideas on rehabilitating their current hometown together with the locals.

    The BMA plans to hold a forum for expats to provide input for restoration efforts and coordinate with state agencies.


    This maybe an empty gesture, however if an educated Govenor who knows how to read English wanted to do a little homework he may target one of the biggest expat sites on the internet. I believe Thai Visa to be one of them and as a person living in Thailand I would be embarrassed to be classed as one of the idiots that post on here who argue and fight all the time over nonesense.

    Why not use those brain cells to think of ideas for Bangkok instead of acting like children?.

    I have forgotten the amount of stories on TV about farang being classed as second citizens yet once we are asked for our opinion many carry on like the uneducated fools that have caused this mess.

    Stop acting like spoilt brats and lets have some ideas.

    p.s. not everybody just a select few.

    Okay then.

    I'd like to see the traffic light system replaced with one that works -to improve traffic flow. I'm sure it can be done.

    I'd love the BTS to turn down the advertisements on it's platforms and trains

    Closing hours for entertainment venues deregulated. In line with the worlds top capitals.

    Thais are the best partyers in the world -LET THEM ! So many friends I've had visit me have loved the nightlife here

    And their thai spirit of SANUK

    As for the beaches CLEAN THEM UP !! Every DAY!

    Get a proper dedicated program going that cleans up the beaches and reduces all the garbage that gets dumped by locals and some tourists

    on Thailands' beautiful beaches. Such an easy thing to do but so neglected by all the tourism officials

    Get the 30 day visas at the border reinstated - most farangs I know esp: backpackers hate the 15 day visa rule

    A campaign /plan to clean up the Klongs in Bangkok - starting with all the garbage.

    Free concerts in Lumphini Park- Glastonkok -with food stalls and thai massages and chill out areas and good acts local and international - arranged by people who know how to do it- ( eg: like the Big Day out in Oz or a mini Glastonbury)

    Stop the 2000 baht cigarette butt fine !

    Get 3G / Broadband happening and widely available

    Get rid of the no alcohol between certain hours ( 2 pm- 5pm ) - it serves no function other than to make tourists wonder why can't they have a glass of wine after their lunch ? A stupid law !!

    Otherwise the best thing about Bangkok is its energy - it's people - the smiles I get everyday from friends acquaintances and total strangers - the fact that that everyone is approachable - the friendliness, the politeness, and the laughter-there is much to love here - have faith Governor Sukhumbhand the tourists will be back before you know it

  13. @Peaceful Warrior

    Did you live here under Thaksin and his cult of personality style iron fisted rule ? That was far closer to a chinese style of dictatorship than life under Abhisit ever has been.

    The red shirt leaders speeches bear remarkable similarities to the khmer rouge in Kampuchea and the maoists during the cultural revolution. Full of vitriolic lies and exhortations to violence and destruction.

    Whether you liked Thaksin or not, the Thaksin years were wonderful years for Thailand, probably the best that I've lived here. Even anti-Thaksin free speech activist Supinya proclaimed that the junta and its lapdog govt were more dangerous than Thaksin ever was. If you talked to your maids, the security staff in your building and other Reds, you would see that they are largely nice folks looking for a better future.

    'Talked to my maids' - that's funny ! never had a maid ( nor a gf who cleans up my mess). But i talk to plenty of maids waiters security guys taxi drivers etc

    I talk mostly to working class thais- about all sorts of things -often politics - and yes they are very nice folks -who like my thai family just want better opportunities for themselves and their kids. Thaksin was fortunate to be in office when the world economy was booming and Abhisit has been unlucky to have had to deal with the GFC.

    I find Thaksin to be far more dishonest and dangerous than any other leader I've seen here. Nothing personal against the guy - but does thailand need a divide and rule guy like Thaksin who has to take a cut of everything for himself. Abhisit for now seems a way better bet for thailands future... IMO - certainly less scary than TSs' autocratic reign.

  14. @Peaceful Warrior

    Did you live here under Thaksin and his cult of personality style iron fisted rule ? That was far closer to a chinese style of dictatorship than life under Abhisit ever has been.

    The red shirt leaders speeches bear remarkable similarities to the khmer rouge in Kampuchea and the maoists during the cultural revolution. Full of vitriolic lies and exhortations to violence and destruction.

  15. This from the Mebourne Age


    It reminds me off the time we weren't allowed to take our daughter then aged six until her bill( 30 K baht ) was paid in full,

    despite the hospital on Rama 9 assuring us that she was completely covered by imsurance. We paid of course - no probs - but the lies and misinformation from the medical administrators was pretty despicable behavior on their part.

  16. You can see it at Bradmans Bar in Sukhumvit Soi 23 opposite the Offshore Bar fish n chip shop

    Take the BTS to Asoke walk thru Soi Cowboy to the soi 23 end turn left and walk 100-150 meters to the Offshore Bar - its the small yellow place opposite.


    Hi, :D

    I'm a sport lover trying to find a place in the Bunglampoo area to watch live sport. I've settled for listening to a live stream of Australia's rugby league grand final on the internet but really want to watch the cricket champion's trophy final tomorrow...

    Any ideas? Gullivers don't seem to show cricket... :)

    Any ideas greatly appreciated. Or alternatively, any websites that offer FREE live streaming video of the match would also be helpful.

    Thanks in advance. :D

    Watching cricket in Bangkok???

  17. Banning links to BP would make no sense at all. I too am wondering if links are also prohibited now.

    This move by Bangkok Post does them no good - if anything it reduces their profile.

    I'm not surprised their traffic is down - their new all blue website is crap and ugly compared to it's previous one which was great.

    What is the policy regarding linking to stories in The Bangkok Post? Is that prohibited too?

    I am aware my views will be in the minority, but as a publisher I can partly understand where they are coming from, although I suspect that also has a lot to do with the agreement ThaiVisa has with The Nation.

    The fact is that content costs money and why should a publisher allow its content to be used and, possibly, lose them income while at the same time generating revenues for others. Yes, you can argue that quoting from a story will send visitors to the website however advertising revenues from websites in Thailand are tiny and will not even come close, in most cases, to covering production costs.

    My view is that publishers around the world are going to become more protective about their content. We're seeing that already, and the trend will rise over the coming months as more look to introduce some form of charging models for their online content.

  18. The 30 day extension of the tourist visa that I obtained for free in Vientiane in July however is not free - I was charged 1900 baht at Suan Phlu this afternoon - I explained (politely and in Thai) to them that I was under the impression that the fees were waived - but no go.

    Seems I misread the information on the Thai foreign Ministry webiste. Sorry for the confusion.

    VOA is also free. The Press release and website states:

    All foreigners who apply for Tourist Visa at the Royal Thai Embassies and the Royal Thai Consulates-General worldwide, including eligible foreigners who apply for Visa on Arrival at designated checkpoints, will be exempted from Tourist Visa fee from 25 June B.E. 2552 (2009) to 4 March B.E. 2553 (2010). Such arrangement is for Tourist Visa only.

  19. Thai A(H1N1) resistant to Tamiflu – Malaysians told to stop wanking

    By John Le Fevre

    (THAIVISA.COM): -- Thai authorities are urging calm after the first case of pandemic A(H1N1) found resistant to the front-line antiviral drug Tamiflu was found in a patient at Ramathibodi Hospital.

    The discovery was made in a batch of 50 confirmed pandemic A(H1N1) samples being tested by the hospital laboratory.

    The two cases will be discussed at a meeting of virologists and health authorities tomorrow, which will also review the national strategy for combatting the spread of the virus and the planned stockpiling of oseltamivir, the generic version of Tamiflu.

    The meeting will also discuss treatment guidelines and whether Thailand should stockpile the alternative antiviral drug zanamivir.

    Prof Dr Wasun Chantratita, chief of virology and molecular microbiology at Ramathibodi Hospital, said the Tamiflu resistant strain was found in a Thai who had since recovered from pandemic A(H1N1).

    Health experts have previously cautioned that overuse, incorrect prescribing, or self medicating with oseltamivir may lead to drug resistance.

    Dr. Wasun said 10,000 out of 15,000 samples sent for testing were positive for the pandemic A(H1N1) virus, leading us to assume that the majority of people with flu-like symptoms will have pandemic A(H1N1).

    Meanwhile a doctor in Malaysia has said that avoiding masturbation and homosexual activities are among preventive measures people can take to reduce their chances of contracting the virus.

    Dr. V. M. Palaniappan, an eminent practitioner of complimentary therapy, said that such activities caused the body to develop friction heat which in turn, produced acid and made the body hyperacidised.

    Dr. Palaniappan told Bernama, the Malaysian national news agency, that masturbation and homosexual activity made “the body become an easy target for pandemic A(H1N1) infection,” however, the normal sexual union between members of the opposite sex was absolutely safe.

    Dr Palaniappan, a former associate professor of ecology at Universiti Malaya, said his 33 years of research had shown that high acidity in the body resulted in loss of immunity, thus making people more susceptible to viral diseases such as pandemic A(H1N1).

    The doctor said to prevent acidity, it was essential to consume alkaline food and drinks that could neutralise excess acid in the body.

    He recommended people drink coconut water, which is alkaline, and therefore could be used as a herbal medicine for the prevention of pandemic A(H1N1), along with orange, lemon and pomelo which, despite containing citric acid, were very rich in potassium and therefore, would not disturb the body's immunity.


    -- thaivisa.com 2009-08-09

    Strange and Stranger ! Sounds like another homophobic cretin.

    He is right about one thing though - the more you can do to boost your immune system the less chance you'll have of getting this or any flu.

    And a good way to do that is through eliminating crap from your diet and eating plenty of fresh fruit and fresh vegie salads.

  20. It amazes me that with all the life sentences handed out, fully covered by the media, that fools in full knowledge of the conditions in Thai prisons still take a chance with their futures when most have the safety net of a welfare system back home. I wonder if the success rate is so high that most mules make it through and they consider it a safe bet. Junkies numbed beyond repair, I can understand, but the rest. Madness beyond belief.

    Regards Bojo

    I'd plump for arrogant imperialist mindset.

    An Australian with an imperialist mindset ??? Give me a break ! The only place this guy has invaded is Stupidsville -that place in the brain where you commit acts of extreme stupidity!!!!

  21. In order to get their priorities right, they should start arresting their "own" first for demanding bribes. When Thaksin still was in charge of a certain TV station we had daily shows where policemen were caught red handed taking bribes. Now all tv stations are safely in the hands of the royalists and the army even CNN kisses the bud of these stations by not reporting on certain cases which are too "sensitive". So it is just another way to make money, my advice, put them all on candid camera!

    As I recall - Thaksin took over an independent TV station reknowned for its fierce reporting on corruption

    under the Chuan govt and he emasculated it firing all the independent honest reporters until only those journalists

    who would never report on the corruption of his own family and his ministers renmained.

    Channel 3 was own by Pracha Maleenonts family -one of his ministers - not the royalists

    Your post bears little relationship to the facts. :)

  22. I can't believe the immediate assumption that these guys are guilty - this in a land where an honest cop is harder to find than a virgin in Patpong - gimme a break -would falang guys think up a scam without hiding the stuff first ? Thais would - they are that dumb usually but tourists with at least half a brain ????

    Have you never heard of cops being involved in scamming Westerners / tourists in hope of getting a bribe or three ?

    I've had cops steal money from me and dare me to make a complaint . may be they did try and do a scam and if so they are are really really dumb and som num na but it's just as likely that they were set up by a bar girl /policemans mia noi and threatened with worse unless they complied and pleaded guilty.

    I wonder who has the laptop now ? Has it been secured as police evidence or just disappeared into the bedroom of one of the cops school -aged children ? You guys are sounding a bit holier than though me thinks.

  23. Not as much traffic in my Sukhumvit Soi (36) this morning. but motobike said avoid Rama 1v and Asoke intersection I can't see any traffic from my room but appreciate the info steam - i have to go out soon - my motobike taxi last night had to wear a red scarf otherwise the Prakanong taxi block wouldn't let him ride.He wasn't happy !

  24. I quit a month ago. The first few days were a bit of a pain but- it gets easier.

    I feel great - taking long walks again.

    3rd time I've quit in 10 years.

    My method- I go to the Spa Samui or this time the new Spa in Koh Chang and I do a 7 to 10 day fast- which includes colonics and no food whatsoever but a good supportive environment. So folks there smoked their way thru the wholle fast - but I find that after 3 or 4 days -its easy to stop and hard to smoke- becuase smoking makes you feel likeSH#@$% while fasting makes you fell high as a kite.

    I recommend it. Also I stopped drinking - cant fast on beer!

    So I feel about 20 years younger, I can smell flowers and farts again and I don't miss it at all.

    cheers Boris

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