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proton last won the day on July 19 2023

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  1. Trying to blame the victims? No intelligence service is perfect.
  2. Can't read novels now, too many words.
  3. How can you miss it? they even send you an email reminder, then it take less than 5 minutes to do it online
  4. Never used them never gave them my email, no idea where they got it from, could only have been immigration!
  5. Really, I must have mis understood it, wont be me pestering them anyway.
  6. Had an email from the Thaivisa centre, why do they need 5 months notice, is it harder to find IO's willing to look the other way these days? Please note: If your next visa extension is still far in the future, we recommend contacting us closer to your extension date. For the best service and most current rates, please reach out when your extension is no more than 5 months away.
  7. Has some good Thai music at least
  8. But the PM said it was, no, it was a misrepresentation posing as reality, a pack of lies.
  9. It's a total bore, apart from the location shots and our lovely Lisa
  10. It's a bloody disgrace, 3x the stabbings are committed by blacks in the UK than whites taking into account their numbers. What will Netflix make next, one about the white grooming gangs with nice muslim Policemen and a black woman as the chief constable? Here we have the understanding black copper and his responsible son, but they did add a stroppy black girl for 'balance' White working class boys are NOT the problem when it comes to random stabbings in the UK.
  11. Odd, cars makes, beer and other products OK, whats wrong with water filters?
  12. When they only do it if paid, if legal why not cut out the agent and just go in and give the IO the 'present'?
  13. Of course it is, it's called corruption and more illegal when agents are getting extensions from a province you do not live in. Will they ever stop it? probably eventually. Smaller provinces seem to be used more for this.
  14. You forgot Ashleys diary was fake, even though they convicted the woman who found it for 'theft' Ashley has since admitted it was hers' contains the revelation that her father showered with her when she was young, but not that young as well as being abused.
  15. Unless less you an MP knocking out one of your constituents on the street, then you get 2 days
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