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  1. Do you support Joe Biden's racist and xenophobic polices on immigration?
  2. Russia is a wannabe superpower with aging nukes.
  3. Of course, there is plenty to do. People with ambitions and interests always have something to do. However, based on observations, many retired people in Pattaya have little to do.
  4. Maybe the people of Gaza could stop acting like terrorists. FFS dude. These people put more effort into hating Jews than building a nice society for their people.
  5. I don't hang out in bars. It's not my thing.
  6. True, which can lose its charm after a while.
  7. Pattaya is like Las Vegas; it's only suitable for a few days. I wonder about the excessive number of old guys sitting at bars by themselves at noon sipping on beer. That seems boring. But to each their own. No matter where one lives in retirement, it's going to be boring unless one has hobbies and fun interests.
  8. Thank you. I was responding to an attack. Do you consider the post that I replied to as a post of value?
  9. Reports emerged Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin said he could take control of Ukraine’s capital city in as little as two weeks, a remark that escalated already pitched tensions between Russia and the West in the lead-up to NATO’s summit in Wales. https://time.com/3259699/putin-boast-kiev-2-weeks/ He once said he could.
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