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Posts posted by bbko

  1. OP I was/am in the same boat as you, 58 and for a while I was finishing off a box of big Leo bottles in a few days and I wasn't getting drunk, it was just a evening habit of drinking.  Then it dawned on me, a big box of Leo @ aprox 610 b every 2-3 days without the "fun" of getting drunk is a worthless habit and just a waste of money.  Now I'm dry most days, but still human, dry 5/wet 2 (thank you Sang Som).  Stay safe.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Granted I've only read through 60% of these posts, but has anyone brought the farang's age into this sleeping divide?

    A 30ish year old couple's sleeping arrangements is a lot different from someone in their 60/70's sleeping habits.  Plus the length of marriage will impact sleeping separation concerns, a newlywed couple in their 30's sleeping apart is a huge difference from a old expat and his wife 20 years his junior.  I shudder the thought of me "forced" to sleep next to an old decrepit smelly foreigner that can't speak my language. GROSS!


    When I first got married to my Thai wife, sleeping apart was unheard of, after 15 years of marriage, me falling asleep on the sofa a few days in a row is no big concern.  

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 minute ago, gargamon said:

    Kill the dog. It has proven it cannot be trusted. 

    Or it proves the owner doesn't know the dog's behavior and didn't properly restrain it.

    I live on Pattaya's Darkside, and have 3 dogs; 2 male Thai Bangkaews and a mutt.  My 2 Bangkaews are excellent guard dogs, anyone comes close to my property and they do their job; protect the house and my family.  When I have construction workers, distant family relatives, or strangers over; I make sure they are locked up/chained.  


    Thai Bangkaews are famous for protecting the house, OP what breed of dog do you have?  

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, watthong said:

    Vaccines can be compared to seat belts, but not to reckless driving. Seat belts can save lives but they stand no chance against a drunken, crazy or just plain irresponsible driver. Analogies are fun to use, as long as they are applied fairly (2+2=4, not 5 or 6). However in order to do that, a token of discerning cells in the brain might be required.

    I was thinking the same thing the other day, vaccines are like seatbelts: designed to help lessen the chance of death, not a 100% guarantee. 

  5. When I stayed in my ASQ hotel this May, they didn't check my luggage or even ask me about alcohol.  I didn't bring any as I heard it was off limits and didn't want to take a chance of being kicked out of the hotel/country.


    Edit; I don't remember if there was fine print about alcohol when I made the reservation, maybe give it a good reading before packing the suitcase.

  6. 7 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Is it so different in your home country?  I know that if a foreigner does anything wrong in the UK its somehow looked upon as being worse than if it was done by a Brit.  Why should Thailand be any different?


    Anybody who doesn't like the laws, regarding Covid or otherwise has a choice - nobody's forcing you to stay.

    Agree, in my country (USA) news of a foreigner committing a crime seems to anger many with the "How dare they come to my country and break the laws", it's no different here in Thailand.

    • Like 2
  7. 58 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    "...perhaps a child or senior will be next".

    Completely irrelevant.  He cannot be punished for something he hasn't done that could happen in the future!


    "I and at least one witness (who does not want to be involved)..."

    No witnesses, then.


    "the vehicle had already impacted me and was actually carrying me down the road on its hood by the time it entered the camera's field of view"

    Yet you show a picture of you not being carried down the road on the bonnet but no picture of you on the bonnet?  How come?

    Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. I was a passenger when my expat friend opened his car door without checking/noticing a lady on a motorbike, his actions caused her to suddenly swerve and she ended up falling down hard.  We jump out of his car and as a crowd starts gathering we notice she's obviously pregnant. She gets taken to the hospital via ambulance due to her being pregnant involved in a vehicle accident. Police and his insurance company show up to take reports.

    Long story short, we are told to meet up at the local police station a few days later, and everyone involved gives their version of what happened to the policeman and the pregnant lady has her hospital bills in hand.  After this a video is shown to all of us from a nearby security camera, where my friend is clearly at fault.  The policeman explains to my friend he can either say he's at fault right there in the police station and work out payment to the lady through his insurance or out of pocket (his choice) or he can say he's not at fault and the case will go to court.  He took responsibility and agreed to pay her hospital bills and pain/suffering,  it came out to around 24,000 (IIRC).


    OP, if the driver doesn't claim responsibility, it seems your next step is to take the driver to court to try and recoup your hospital bills and money for pain and suffering. Good Luck. 

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