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  1. Maybe better said for communist style countries.
  2. All girls should refuse to fight or compete any biological man. Problem solved. If those guys have no more girls to bully then the whole things ends pretty quick.
  3. That's another myth.
  4. I don't believe that Thais take to much salt. Their dishes are mostly dull, uplifted by spicy condiments and fish sauce, which is salty but you need only a little bit. Farang eat more salty than Thai and as mentioned above, you need salt period. There are politicians that believe they are dieticians. Sugar is the killer, cancer cells feed on it.
  5. Yep, Thai health care in a nut shell.
  6. OMG, since bashing Trump isn't popular anymore you need a new target right?
  7. They don't drink in the morning? But ok, those officials can't be controlled but then 60 million (1972?) had this restriction law on them? Double post due to forum rule??
  8. They don't drink in the morning? But ok, those officials can't be controlled but then 60 million (1972?) had this restriction law on them?
  9. That is not from 1972, has to get in queue.
  10. It's about freedom of choice, maybe not known to you.
  11. Those are brave decisions in light of the fact that the deep state/Illuminati/Jesuits, you name them, will never forget and forgive. Examples abundately. I hope them people get eradicated a 100%.
  12. I thought conservatives were the conspiracy thinkers. Now look at this.
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