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  1. What a crock. Name me one all in one that will void a warranty if extra ram is added in a vacant slot. Just name one.
  2. Will not affect warranty. Please state where that is noted. The PC gets taken to a shop and then RAM is easily and professionally installed. OP, there seems to be quite a bit poor information on this thread. Rest assured that additional RAM will be fine. If a PC does not accept additional RAM then it will not boot. If it does not boot then the tech will simply remove the RAM and not sell it to you. OP, you came here seeking logical advice. There seems to be a lot of silly assumptions getting tossed around here.
  3. I have explaind. It is an error. Above is noting 16gb per bank. Now, please explain what in a PC would govern a PC to 16gb when the utilised chips technical data allows much higher ram.
  4. And further to this, Lenovo and other manufacturers often have incorrect specs ort incomplete specs on their web pages. https://www.lenovo.com/th/en/p/desktops/thinkcentre/thinkcentre-neo-series/thinkcentre-neo-50q-gen-4-tiny-(intel)/12ln007kta Here is just one more example. Port 8 is classed as a USB C 3.2a when in fact it clearly shows an HDMI port. Contacting Lenovo confirms this as does actual;ly sticking HDMI cables into it. OP, rest assured you can buy a second 16GB RAM stick to get a 32 RAM total in the all in one you are considering. Why in Buddha's name would a manufacturer give the maxium amount of ram in one slot and leave the other slot unavailable for use?
  5. Learn something about computing before you give more false information. The bottleneck on total ram is chip dependent. You have a habit of offering armchair falsities. You are a lightweight. Why Does Crucial offer a 64GB ram kit? https://www.crucial.com/compatible-upgrade-for/lenovo/thinkcentre-neo-30a-24
  6. OP, the unit you mention is okay as an all in one. It has a mobile processor (built for a laptop) but will still be suitable for you needs. All other specs look okay for your needs with the exception of RAM. There is only 1 X 16gb stick of ram but enough slots for 2 sticks. This is important because with only 1 stick, the PC memory will only run at half speed effectively. I.agine there there is only one road from point a to point b. If that road has a crash on it, no matter what the speed limit is or how many lanes it has, things slow. Dual channel is effectively a replication of that road so if one is blocked, the other is still available. When there are no crashes traffic flows smoothly. Now this is an over simplification on a complex subject but is apt. You could buy another stick of 16gb ram to make it dual channel for about 1700 baht from any PC shop installed. Alternatively, go to Advice or JIB or Powerbuy or Banana IT or Lenovo or Dell and ask for a current CPU core 5 Intel or ryzen 5 AMD processor. 2 x16 GB RAM installed in dual channel mode, and a 1 tb M2 HDD.. all the rest is just dressing. If you get those specs, you will have a solid and long lasting PC without doubt.
  7. The chance for Locals to jump the queue happen to me occasionally. Around my locality though shop keeps don't let the locals get away with it if they try. I always stay calm and generally get some serious apologies when the potential customer realises that they aren't getting in ahead of me. Sometimes it is just dick-headed-ness from the local. Often they see my calm waiting as an opportunity to jump in and sometimes they often fear asking a farang if they have already been served. I usually assume the latter. Generally at local stores, staff catch my eye ahead of others when there is a queue and I'll just tell them 'the usual' and step back. One of the great things about Thailand, for me. Learn to embrace it, OP. Treat it like you are trying to get a spot at the next lock in at your local pub. I really enjoy my community and get on well with all the places that i purchase from. If I'm having an ordinary day, going down for a laarb pla dook and som tam or whatever usually has me smiling and laughing with the Locals in no time.
  8. I don't want to clog up the thread, but it is so good to know that Sheryl gives her time and expertise here.
  9. Most 'salad' dishes can be. for instance, Yam woon sen talay is very low in fat. If you are cooking for yourself, then many things can be cooked with low fat except fried foods of course. Steamed and sticky rice are. Rendered duck can be as can lean pork loin and skinless chicken if you want meat protein.
  10. Because then Bob's story would be even less enthralling than it is now.
  11. Considering that I needed the product by tomorrow. China is not an option. But thank you for offering a link. I have purchased the components and put the unit together on a basic wafer board. Bought a soldering iron and a set of alligator clip ball joint thingies and a magnifying glass. Parts were 350 baht with fancy flung fling knobs. tools about the same price.
  12. How long does it take for a failure? I built the last one and used it times times. I will use this one three times. In your view, do you expect a failure? Or are you just attempting to impress me whist not actually being helpful?
  13. Saw Keef Richards' cover Waitin' for the Man above (not the best of the song or of Keef, to my taste but still good to see) and it reminded me of another Velvet cover. One that I think is a little sweeter than most renditions.
  14. Yes, she is telling you to get back on the footpath to earn so she can keep spending. She has as much respect for you as the community of AN do.
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