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Everything posted by Jotnar

  1. A thread of the usual Thai bashing, some people seem to live for. Petty theft exist worldwide, especially in tourist areas. Kudos for a job well done by the BIB.
  2. actually thing it's a burger on a hot grill. they all cook the same if all on a hot grill. If wanting to smash it, thinner & wider, you get more charring surface, besides cooking faster. I've never needed to 'smash' my ground beef to make a thinner, wider patty, though prefer not to overhand the roll. easily done with you hands. If cooking a 100 or so a day, guess easier to do on the grill. actually prefer 2 thinner patties than one thicker, as allowing more charring. What the whopper has over mcd offerings. get the extra meat on your whopper, tastes nice and beefy with nice charring flavor. I think 70 baht for extra patty and makes for a filling 225 baht burger, beating most, especially if toppings are done correctly. damn near looks like the promo, and hard to beat when done right. Only 3 vendors have done so.. Rest are prepped in advance and staff seem to just though them in the bag with <deleted> toppings, damn sinful ????
  3. Another thing to look out for, is secure fit of plug & outlet. It should not be loose, wiggle when in the outlet, or even come close to falling out if simply knocked on. Loose fitting plug & outlets will possibly arc, and responsible for most home fires when the cause is electrical. Most sockets, especially those cheap extension, fake surge protection cords will eventually lose their bite. Trash them. That applies for all conx, when wiring. Screw the wire down, give it a tug, then another screw down, JIC you loosened it with the tug check.
  4. Yes, very easy, and you should never get shocked. No such thing as typical. All things universal; +s hooked up to +s, -s hooked up to -s, and grounded. This from the meter to the breaker box to the outlets, all the same. Shouldn't ever be getting those 'pops' when plugging something in. All things grounded in box with earthing. Use quality components, and test. I always test, simply cause a short purposely, and breakers should disengage, click off, stop current, instantly. Hot water heaters should also have click of, having a built in 'surge' protector, for lack of technical term. Can also add an external breaker that when fluctuation is noted, it will cut power. Good sparky will do it correctly. All plugs & outlets should be the same. Installed and wired the same. 2 prong plug, neutral will go in the left if ground is on south of outlet. May have a white line or be ribbed, or the actual metal prong that goes into the outlet will be wider. Most plugs, though hard to read are labelled, or should be. 3 prong is easy, and if outlet is hooked up properly, then no worries. If you a changing a plug, then you need to pay attention. Or you'll wreak havoc on you appliance.
  5. black grout, very art deco, w/black & white tile. makes sense, and might as well make black to start with, as will turn black in the future anyway ???? good luck finding 220 sqm knock down warehouse. Do you even live in Thailand ? Just curious.
  6. Wonder how many times that line worked; "I deserve a large wedding, oh by the way, need 20k as going out of town". Thanks, LUV Ya
  7. Ouch, rush hour. If BTS convenient, then I'd take that, then taxi it. I'd hop off at Yæk Kor Por Aor. No sense in making the 'turn' then back tracking. Might want to peek make sure that IS better. Also the 'red line' goes to Rangsit station, though involves an interchange at BangSu, I think, so maybe not any better. If a weekend, then road traffic is not that bad, and I'd opt for the taxi. Surprisingly light traffic before the malls open up.
  8. 'smash burger' = marketing. It's a ground beef patty, how it is formed is irrelevant. If it's called a smash burger, I'm going elsewhere. Call it what you want, but don't insult my intelligence. "sir, would you like that 'hand' or 'spatula' smashed." "we also have 'smashed' patties we made last week, but they're in the freezer" BK & McD get smashed patties every day or so, delivered in boxes. ????
  9. Lesson learned I hope. Trust nobody, worldwide, not just Thailand. Leaned that 1st time scammed at petrol station here decades ago. I'm actually too impatient, and curious to know how much it took, to not notice when full, how many liters & how much. I'm always thinking, fill it, don't just stop when it auto click off and then auto stop to the next round up. It would be impossible for myself not to notice a total scam of not pumping a all. More an incorrect change amount, so always count.
  10. Depends where in PT you are actually going to. Do you want cheap or easy ? Taxi easy of course, vs public trans to as close as possible, then a taxi or bus, if available. Bus, less so depending on final destinations. Since asking, make it easy, just take a taxi, simply time it outside of rush hour.
  11. this is the 21st century, and success rate (maybe not thailand) is excellent on reversals. Lots of factors will affect the success rate. Of course, actually getting someone pregnant, depends a lot on the age & health of one's partner. "Microsurgery techniques have advanced over the past few decades, improving the success rates of this delicate surgery. In the 1970s and 80s, before the development of microsurgery, patency (return of sperm to the semen) rates ranged from 79 to 88 percent. By 2004, new techniques had improved the patency rate to 94 to 97 percent." Vasectomy Reversal Effectiveness - Are You a Good Candidate?
  12. That should not be the doctors choice. Especially since reversal, or harvesting sperm is quite easy enough. Men are not exactly the smartest people, when it comes to women talking them into being fathers when in their 50-60-70 or 80s. that's just stupid if not their choice.
  13. Yes it was, especially being a Yank. No surprises = no legal or financial issues to worry about. Imagine you UK & EU people feel the same. Males have no voice when issues arise concerning legality and finances of child rearing if the female not of like mind. TBH, main reason for not fathering a child, not 1 women that I dated, lived with, or married was even close to 'mother' material. None worthy of raising my child.
  14. Yes, been a few time, didn't care for it, at all. I know about warehouse living in 'cities', but not the same as Thailand. Many of the NYC warehouse are in themselves, used as townhouses, simply 'small' open area warehouses before furnished. I actually like the idea, and my houses consisted of mostly open areas, while living in Thailand vs their usual multi small walled small rooms design, which I hate. Living, kitchen and dining area not walled in, past and present house in Thailand, 100+ sqm, of main living area. You want 220 sqm stand alone in middle of nowhere, no neighbors, so nothing compared to NYC warehouse converted to townhouse living. Apples & oranges. Many of the warehouse/townhouse units in USA cities are simply businesses that failed, and now converted to open area townhouses. What you are asking for is completely different.
  15. Apple product are good, simply way overpriced. Not much better, if any, than the competition. Why their 'systems' hold a low market share, whether computers or phones, vs windows or android. For the OP, on topic, Android has 70% market share in Thailand, so you might want to go that direction. Would think bank apps geared to Android, but TIT. My Xiaomi (POCO) and BBL don't seem to like each other, to the point I loaded & deleted it a few times, and don't even bother with it. Not an app fan, usere, anyway, not very helpful to you though. Good luck.
  16. obviously OP should have never accepted the dog to begin with. If no replies to take, just drop off at the closest wat, like everyone seems to do, but please have it 'fixed' first, so 20 more dogs don't become a problem within the next few years. I personally would drop it off at the charity place that posted here ????
  17. your post simply get sillier & sillier. do you or have you ever been to thailand. 220 sqm single room = small or large warehouse / workshop. try googling that. If not thai, means you won't be able to own, simply rent. since it would be geared toward business, profit making endeavor, then expensive just for that reason.
  18. Got the same problem, addiction, so I got married, but now seems to be more expensive, and now not satisfying the addiction. Can't afford divorce, so started drinking more. HELP, as the new drinking addiction, isn't helping with the old addiction.
  19. Make a holiday of it, as Cabbage & Condoms does them for free (donation), and go to Bangkok for a couple days. Though take it easy first 12 hrs after.
  20. At the prices they charge, it better be. You get what you pay for, is sometimes appropriate. When approaching 300 baht, it no longer becomes a value. Something a burger used to be. Best I've had here, was Sunrise Taco, but certainly wasn't inexpensive, but cheaper than some of the other silly prices.
  21. Apparently, as the other chains are all priced around the 250-300 baht mark, if doing the 'combo'. At least the combo sort of gets you the drink for almost free. They pack 'em in. Needing to order, separate items, as on SS menu, is a bit OTT. Shake is nice touch though, as most, or any, usually don't do them. In the very rare occasion I do order a burger, it's only the burger. Fries are silly priced, and usually just warm, and I don't care for their fountain soda. I'll BYO, beer, water or A&W.
  22. A Canadian burger chain, in Thailand ? Never heard of it, that's not good.
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