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Everything posted by Jotnar

  1. "and it’s fun for visitors to arrive a few days earlier to explore the village in what is, for most, a once-in-a-lifetime experience." For your enjoyment, the elephant gets a lifetime of abuse. GREAT
  2. I'm sure more than a few AN members will be in attendance. Ladyboy topics, and any thread discussing penises, seem to be very popular. Come out, come out where ever you are.
  3. 1 million baht per bank, per customer in Thailand. So may need to spread it around, or sleep on it.
  4. Amazing what can be done when attempted. Why isn't every roof in Thailand covered with solar panels. Redirect those funds for F35s, subs, Gulfstreams, Airbuses from the military to support the energy needs instead.
  5. You mean the sea levels aren't rising ? More mismanagement of fresh water supplies. Seems a problem in all of Panama. Usual cause, too many people. Worldwide problem with no solution. How about less consumerism and more self sufficiency.
  6. Up up up, as prices in Thailand have never come down. Always someone willing to pay. One thing they are not making, new land. One of the best investment. Same as God, always was and will be.
  7. +1 for Khao Kho. Been a few times when in the area. Very nice.
  8. Don't know about best, but would expect near 30k a month with an degree, to start. University education isn't required, or even lower level of schooling. Just ambition & drive to succeed.
  9. Or even an air fryer. More than a few YT vids showing how to. Unless OP never cooks anything at home. According to YT, you can even do bread in a microwave, though I've never tried. Slow cooker works also. Again, never attempted.
  10. Longest stretch between CSs is 161 kms in MHS, then 237 if wanting to go down to Mae Sot, so I'd say yes Of course if living there, you're charging at home. CM - MHS is 239 kms, so I'd say yes, again. Certainly not ideal, but that, is one of the only places, that doesn't have more than enough, but DOES have enough. If you want to pick a spot that pushes the limits, you should have chose Loei to Utteradit, as that's shy of 300kms, without a slight detour top to up. As many say, EVs are not for everyone. Enjoy what you have, and let the EV owners enjoy their ride, and the extra baht in their pocket, or knowing they are not contributing to the local air pollution.
  11. https://www.ananindustry.com/mg-4-standard-range-2022.html
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