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Everything posted by BonMot

  1. Rather be in a hotel room but hey that's me. That's the problem with tourists they think they can just get their sausage hot anywhere they please
  2. I'd often thought so although cowboy has been dead for months and I don't mean slow I mean DEAD as in DOA no longer even on life support. Perhaps they have a shared hovel nearby. But more than likely it's just easy for the knobs to locate.
  3. Yeah, but Swenson's girls are usually way cuter. If the op had some game he'd try for a real Thai intellectual like a bank teller.
  4. No one is being demonized. There was clearly a grocery list of serious illegal activities going on. Certainly no Chinese official would tell them to go easy on the lot of them purely because the are Chinese. That's ridiculous. Serious laws were apparently broken. I doubt Xi would say anything but they should pay the price. Moreover, as the whole debacle was writ large it's possible the Chinese even take stock on their end. Sheeeesh ..
  5. How nice. White skinned farang get jail terms and life banishment.
  6. Rachadamri green is best rate trading into THB. If it's 500 it might not be worth the trip.
  7. Because I could exchange it at superrich at the relative rate of my choosing, know the rate pre exchange, not incur card and or ATM withdrawal fees?? Of course, you need a bank to deposit the money and imo a residence to keep the home currency in pending change. One thing sure... Those ATM fees are total mafia. What is it??? 500b a pull?! Carrying the cash 5k through an airport is nothing. That's holiday money. For OP Wise seems perfect and available option. No brainer. No idea how ATM fees not incurred but ok...
  8. If you are looking for a companion that is not a prostitute that will pretty much be Bangkok. But most women are still going to want some sort of financial support from a man - especially if there's no interest in marriage. If it's just about money than get a hooker because wives and even those with modest needs are far more expensive than hourly companionship. Of course, these two relationships are entirely different as well. The saddest thing in Thailand and I'm starting to see more of it as tourists flow in is the short / long term farang with the hooker rental gf dressed in sensible clothes. She's still a hooker and is just playing a role providing a GFE. A favorite hook up meeting point seems to be Asoke station/ T21 but I see couples roaming as far north as HuayKwang - usually lost hahahaha
  9. Aiming high I see ... In my local 7 in BKK they last a few weeks, a month or two at best.
  10. We're kinda moving away from the op but rent isn't wasted money. You do get a number of things in return including a roof over one's head. *Just sell it. Not always an easy task in this market. Dollar denominated savings in US accounts/ modest savings given the low rents here - expats may soon be able to keep money again in the relative safety of CDs and use the interest to pay rent. Of course, there's the inflation issue but that's one way of looking at it. If I were single, married to another foreigner and or had no children there's really only one reason to purchase and that's comfort, security. To counter that many vagaries and total randomness in condo and especially home ownership in Thailand. Not to mention a change in health might drive a person back home as well.
  11. This is pretty much understood by now (hopefully). I'm waiting for blood in the water. Until then I'll rent Property makes more sense for married people. We're stuck here anyway and it's an asset that can be left to wives and or children. While the renting is extremely reasonable over the long haul it's a decent bit of cash that is better left to the wife than to a landlord. If I had a few million I would just rent for 30k and be done with it tbh.
  12. BKK market still very overvalued. There is softening in the outskirts but even condos with fairly inconvenient locations and or horrible floor plans are very overpriced. I expect the only things that will shake things up are (a) developers start completing, building condos again (b) economy takes a nasty downturn and leveraged owners need to get out. The issue with the latter is that I understand Thai banks hesitant to approve short sales. I believe mortgage rate is prolly 7% which is criminal given the low bot rates and bank to bank rates. Chinese are nowhere in sight and not coming. Asians are funny. Sit on a loss forever rather than take the hit, regroup and move on. Like a friend always said to me... A bad investment is always a bad investment it never one day becomes a good investment. The only exception to this rule are things that have huge cycles. If you wait long enough it might come back but that amount of time could be an entire generation. Look at metals from say around 1980 to now. Anyway, I'm also scouring the internet for a condo and there is no shortage of overpriced rubbish
  13. That's unfortunate but after all that hassle you're now not going to move to US because you can't get the cop to sign a paper? I guess you really don't want it bad enough. Perhaps that was a signal to pay the man ???? I'm assuming this is Florida. Why don't you keep an eye peeled for a cheap ticket and then bolt back there for ten days?? I don't know how it works in Florida but I was live scanned in California. The first time perhaps 20 or more years ago it was fairly simple. I let the credential lapse as it was just tertiary. When I renewed it and had to do the livescan again it was a bit more onerous and I recall having to return at least once. Just allot the time accordingly for bureaucratic issues and read the instructions well prior. It's funny how many teachers here are not ccredentialed. Teaching EFL was the last opportunity they had to sort their lives out but then even that slips through their hands of disinterest and disaffection. Everyone is just hanging by a thread or perhaps I should say with the sword of Damocles over their heads. I'm not a fan of teaching English online. I don't think it's effective at all and doubly so for writing. Then again I don't think 95% of foreign EFL teachers here are effective either.
  14. Regime change https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2022/03/26/us_president_biden_calls_for_regime_change_in_russia_during_visit_to_poland.html#! MSN for <deleted> https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/joe-biden-is-calling-for-regime-change-in-russia-and-this-time-it-isnt-a-gaffe/ar-AAVQULP Again, Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/27/us-denies-it-is-seeking-regime-change-in-russia-after-biden-comments-putin?fr=operanews Tiresome
  15. Are you that search retarded that you cannot type Historic: US regime change Current US regime change https://www.rand.org/blog/2022/09/regime-change-in-russia.html It's becoming churlish at this point Bruce ????
  16. I can also tell you and inform TV that I had a student that I worked with on international scholarships circa 2017. Her mother radiologist and father epidemiologist and the combined income was 70k. She government hospital and he government employed. No idea income or side jobs. I think Thais make far less than we imagine that's the magic of the economy.... Depressed wages
  17. Grads from top universities start at 12k in BKK assuming they can find work at all. Wife makes about 22.5k central BKK media company. 45hrs week. 3.5 weeks holiday, sick leave, SSO. Pay rise is 750-1250 annum depending on earnings. Bonus is seemingly always 10k. I think bank managers prolly make about 40k. Teachers 15+ years at good public secondaries under 40k. My guess 711 Bangkok central and many fast food b70 hr
  18. You've missed the point then. Lacking conviction is the point. Helped you there ????
  19. Yup. Barbarians. Hyperbolic name calling. Ukraine are kindered folk of Russians. Their histories date back over 1200 years. Ukrainians must therefore be barbarians as well yes?
  20. ???? War is hell. Most media stories wild, vivid fabrications as all war stories / propaganda Get the US to stop sending materiale and it's a done deal in a matter of two weeks. Oh, right that's not a solution that's on the table. Better to use my tax money to fund another senseless forever war. I wish Ukrainians the best. Probably be better under Putin than Zelenski anyway.
  21. At the end of the day... Thailand made it's decision and will most likely make similar ones in the future. You will stay here and just complain (whine) to other foreigners rather than going to Ukraine and fighting or going home. If you don't like your host's politics move on! I recommend Hungary. Thailand ????????????????
  22. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/10/infographic-us-military-presence-around-the-world-interactive https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colour_revolution
  23. Paying with their blood...join the Bangkok drama club. Sovereign nation that was for 1000 years the part of greater Russia. Chuckles. Illegally invaded. Another laff as the US is in dozens of countries at the moment, mischief and meddling. Ironically, the reason Putin decided to move into Ukraine was precisely this. All wars are someone's war of choice.
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