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Baron Samedi

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Baron Samedi last won the day on July 7 2022

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  1. You gotta give credit to Thai people for their resilience. They seem to be back in business as Europe gets ready for a nice testicles freeze for the winter...
  2. Well that's pretty good. Once China reopens, Thailand will be submerged. Honestly, I'm impressed. Wouldn't have bet on this. I was pretty sure we were in for a double dip...
  3. The world isn't mad or woke. It is absurd.
  4. I agree. Thailand's bar prices have become ridiculous. A beer costs as much as a McChicken set. A lady drink costs as much as a month of 5G mobile internet. A BF costs as much as a VIP bus from Hua Hin to Phuket. For more than that, it will cost you as much as an AirAsia ticket to Singapore ( or even further). I mean come on... ???????? Cambodia seems to be dirt cheap in comparison ! However I wouldn't be surprised if Siem Reap was facing the same problem as many Thai cities, namely a lack of tourists leading to a feeling of emptiness.
  5. He did. I gave him the name of the different cities, he asked me why Isaan, then he suggested Chiang Mai as he went there and liked it. Honestly, I think a lot of Thais might think Isaan is a shxthole and don't understand why anyone would want to spend time there. I might be wrong be each time that happened to me I had the feeling the message was "what the fxxx, man... lol" The taxi driver was from Phuket. Born in the cape Panwa area. Fair point.
  6. Every time I tell a Thai person I'm planning to go visit a couple of cities in Isaan, they start to giggle. Why do they do that? ???? Happened to me again today in my taxi back from the beach. Told the guy I was headed to Hat Yai next, then Malaysia and then back to Thailand to visit Isaan. He started to giggle... ????
  7. Doesn't work unfortunately.
  8. Is there a way to translate GrabFood offers from Thai to English ?
  9. There will be no return to the pre-pandemic world. That's something that most people don't understand yet. There is another recession coming as well as a real-estate crisis. We are experiencing a dead-cat bounce right now. Winter is coming...
  10. where do they come from? Other Asian countries or the West? Plenty of Russians in Phuket btw.
  11. Microsoft Translator. Great app ! And free... I have it on my phone. Never lets me down. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/translator//
  12. Taking about gastro tourism...
  13. Yeah sure. Find me an article that states that a farang was arrested without proof for bringing back a wallet to its Thai owner. Thx
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