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  1. Your observation? Valid but in now way changes the posted comment you cite.
  2. You may not be picking up on the historical irony here. Yes, it is a revered Christian Celebration but its roots? Like many Christian holidays, the timing and some aspects of the holiday as celebrated in society have distinct pagan derivations ... Rabbits? Eggs?. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Easter-holiday
  3. Deport them all, let god sort it out. Now where did I hear similar? Due process ... right, a liberal concept without question.
  4. Let's see, 1st time I stopped breathing under anesthesia. just peaceful sleep (Hey I told them I was a "light touch").. 2nd time, heart stopped but I already had an open chest during by-pass operation. So, anesthesia again. 3rd time ... well, the heart attack doesn't count as no pain. went to hospital, anesthesia again while they placed the stent & two angioplasties so no "death" experience that time.
  5. I ask as I truly do not know. Exactly what were they proposing as regards the Constitution changes for their benefit? In which Constitution were they proposing the changes as I do now the Constitution has been changed from the time that Thaksin was overthrown by coup d'etat.
  6. No more so than it did in my own country during my working years. Now in Thailand as a retired economic refugee from my own country, I feel spending my money here is, in fact helping Thailand economically. A win-win, symbiotic relationship.
  7. No worries. They are going to "privatize" the system and you will be making. oney hand over fist ... at least that is what they are saying. Current reality, Ttup and his ilk are backing off, stating that current recipients will continue. They have been faced with the reality of the number who will vote against any future Republicans. Now to address their kids and Grandchildren. Please note, no addressing the very real issue with raising the contribution income caps. That would hit the wealthy and their employers hardest ... even though it would preserve the system. I do love the irony ... working middle class income kept low and now the power brokers are faced with how the same will eat in retirement, since they were not paid enough to save enough in their working years.
  8. OK, for you so noted. Historically it involves those born as a result of the "Baby Boom" brought on after the ending of WW II (that would be the end in both Europe and Asian fighting).
  9. Ah, no. "boomer" here born in 1947. American and so Vietnam was my American generation's major war (not officially declared). I did not participate but mourn the 58K American dead as well as, other Aiilies and yes ... the Vietnamese people on both sides of their national war.
  10. Wow! To my eyes, bus turning at too fast a speed. His tires lifting off the road. My judgement ... loss of control due to excessive speed.
  11. Just observing ... even there the "law on nature" prevails ...
  12. Sorry if my comment was confusing. I was addressing the accusation that the PMs overthrown by coup were elected, as was Pita.
  13. I asked the question. As "all" the Donbas" is not currently controlled by Russian invasion forces.
  14. Indeed we are being overwhelmed by the rapid appearance of multiple issues where Trump and the Project 2025 ilk are testing the bounds of law. This is one instance and since I have not read the court filed document, I will not bet my life on the particulars which will be made clearer in the coming days. I recommend listening to the interview with Attorney To Cobb on the Judges background. Any attack citing him as Trump publicly did is false on the basis of his judicial record. Yes, agree, Trump is doing what he said he would do ... for supporters I recognize they can duly claim credit and all responsibility for the results ... have at it. Yes, I stand opposed to "chainsaw" tactics ... not to thoughtful, reasoned review of all law/regulation.
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