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  1. Currently serving as Executor for my deceased Aussie Friend. We used PahBig at AssistThai Visa to draw up the Will, make sure all was in order, file with the Thai Court after my friend passed. Charge for the Will was 7K and worth the peace of mind. Friend passed mid-Dec., court appointment given early March to officially be appointed Executor and carry out the Will instructions.
  2. nope... not if it is preemptive against stated threats coming from a position of power.
  3. Good to know there is no such thing as hermaphroditism.
  4. Yes, I used to do an EFT from my Fidelity Acct. to Bangkok Bank, NYC. Upon requiring IAT format, Fidelity declined to make the switch. I use the monthly transfer method for Visa Extensions. Fidelity Wire Transfer, once a month (no charge). Bangkok Bank here makes the exchange and charges 200 baht. Worse exchange rate than I got via Wise but, bottom line similar cost on monthly transfer of $2200 usd.
  5. I am acting as Executor as stated in my deceased friend's WWill. It will be up to 4 months before Thai Court officially appoints me. Until then, bank accounts can not be accessed.
  6. They were just tourists, peacefully demonstrating. Thus, it was determined by citizen Grand Juries determining there was enough evidence to call for a trial and then a separate citizen Trial Jury determine guilty of breaking the applicable laws. Katie, bar the door ...
  7. Agreed ... "Katie, bar the door".
  8. MAGA!!! Have at it ... you hold the House, Senate, White House and SCOTUS. Results and responsibility for those results are all in your hands ...
  9. And that is the way documented history works? Biden did state that the incoming Trump team and the current Biden spoke with one voice on the agreement. Wait ... you mean Trump's team agreed with what had been negotiated? Think I'll wait to see if 1). it takes place and 2). the historical direction after time passes and the actual records are open-end before stating it was either already negotiated or what effect the election of Trump had on negotiations.
  10. Agree one of the things male farangs looking for a permanent (as is there is such around the globe) is to be honest about financial arrangements. I basically stated what I bring to Thailand/own in Thailand will go to my Thai Wife. The retirement funds in the USA, earned while raising my two US Sons will go to them. I transfer $2200 usd each month ... that is what is available to spend or save for Thai/SE Asia travel (supplemented a small bit on occasion).
  11. I think the posting is a positive, especially for those contemplating retirement in Thailand or newly arrived. Before I came due to my background I had read some 3 dozen books on Thai History, sociology, culture ... including novels set in Thailand which reflected Thai culture. So, I was one of the older, retired, divorced Americans stepping into a different culture with a different language (both linguistically and culturally). After 4 separate, monthlong visits, traveling around (casing the place) ... I made the move. Fat boy in the candy store upon arrival and I certainly enjoyed the single, bar scene. The Thai girls with whom I spent any time all treated me as a long term boyfriend and I had only positive experiences. Now at 13 years into Thai retirement and married to a Thai girl, I remain happy with my choice (yes, there are the irritations with immigration ... I am all for, after 10 years of trouble free, full-time residence being granted Permanent Residence status). I remain recommending consideration of western males retiring here ... with some preparation and personal refection on their own character/personalities.
  12. As we are witnessing with the unqualified nominee foe Secretary of defense?
  13. MAGA!!! I don't know why there is worry. The press will have every freedom accorded the press in the PRC.
  14. Yes, in mob 13 years here in five different locations, if the electric goes off, it is usually restored with the hour. Only one time did I see a hotel overnight.
  15. I certainly am supportive of a continuous process of reviewing all laws/regulations after at time to see if the original need for the law/regulation is still present. to see if the law/regulation has addressed the original need. And to decide if the law/regulation needs adjustments (those pesky unintended consequences) or if the need no longer exists. All of that done with thought not blind sweeping emotion. In the case of DEI? Citation of the studies determining that it is no longer needed?

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