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  1. Just to mention curiously about interest for Fixed deposit. Once you opened the fixed deposit account, the interest rate, the interest date & the balance should obviously be shown in the bank book. But if, I either withdraw or add, the interest rate will be automatically to the lower interest & I lose the interest between opening & transaction date earlier than the interest date. The immigration says I must put the 100B deposit for extension purpose so it means I have no choice & I am forced to lose the interest earlier than the interest date. This situation is something I need to be careful & how to avoid losing an attractive interest. Can anyone share this peculiar situation?
  2. I do jugging, uncycling, & diabolo. I believe it is great way to coordinate both mental and physical health. Fun for all ages.
  3. Hi, I just got the 12-months extension based on single parent of Thai child recently. Before that, I had a slight teething problem with bank statement. Last August, my old fixed deposit book (balance over 400K) was transferred to my new fixed deposit book with better interest (using the same bank). I put 100B deposit on the same day I applied for extension. As the result of that, the statement shows 100B with the present date and the balance carried forward shows zero (obviously it does not make sense) in despite the new book shows over 400K with date I received the new book. This matter was solved after the friendly argument with Bank manager but I have to delay the next day to apply the extension. Tips: I would recommend anyone who open the new fixed deposit account immediately put 100B cash on that same day. This will guarantee the statement will show both the initial balance and the start date. I know it is not mandatory but better to be safe anyway - the "balance carried forward" without date in Thai system may cause the confusion.
  4. Let's hope Thai immigration/customs will treat her fairly with reasonable explanation.
  5. I understand your concern to protect the value of the Buddhism and its Thai culture & I respect that. At the same time, I am in little delimma whether the lady with tattoo purposely intends to cause the offence to Thai society and she asks good simple question: is this wrong? So my answer is this is not wrong unless the law says. 🙏
  6. Image on the human skin is not part of the goods! It is her own body....
  7. Thanks for info. Yes, I agree the restrictions/the regulations should imply for goods against any illegal activities in my opinion. I find difficult to accept the tattoo to be recognised as goods because it is on the human skin permanently.
  8. I do greatly value Buddha & always respect them and I am struggling to understand your comment. Does that mean the postcards/the tee shirts showing the images are considered disrespectful?
  9. She says "Is this wrong?" In my first reaction, I, myself, am not interested in tattoo at all but I somewhat think her tattoo looks very beautiful. It made everyone calm & relaxing. In contrary to that, I don't understand why somebody raised the complaints to its image. I understand some photos at the temples are not permitted but some photos ARE permitted at some temples just like the postcards. So I believe she will be happy if someone at any sensitive Buddha area will kindly ask her to cover her tattoo image. If postcards / tee shirts / etc are permitted so why not tattoo too?
  10. Number 2: is work permit mandatory?
  11. May I take that it is just your opinion or based on your personal knowledge? In that case, I am not ready to listen anyone regarding Tax Id but this lady is in charge of Phuket Revenue Dept Branch 2. Therefore I must respect her statement saying I do not need it. If any latest updates in near future, I will definitely see her again.
  12. One female officer at revenue dept, Phuket RD branch 2 answered my enquiry whether applying Tax Id is mandatory or not via Google Voice Translator.
  13. And reduce the numbers of non-public vehicles. The opportunities of the public transports should be encouraged.
  14. It can be confusing easily when pinpointing the causes of the allergic or sneezing/runny nose. In my experience, it is best to use your nose to sense the atmosphere instead of the instruments/devices. Me too, I have both humidifier and diffuser. I use humidifier with adjusting its saturating against aircon and I use diffuser against mosquitos with lavender oil or other similar ones.
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