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My Friend Same

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Posts posted by My Friend Same

  1. OK now let me get this straight, I want to make sure of something here. I will be going to apply for a retirement visa in the future. I have PERSONAL checks from my US checking account. So all I need to do is cruise into my BKK Bank branch with my savings passbook and US bank personal check for $25000, pay whatever fees and bingo I have just satisfied the financial requirement to get my visa. Is this correct? I never heard of this before but it sounds nice and easy

  2. Why are you worried? Thai women can very well love a man for his money, they can actually bring themselves to love him, even if he is unattractive and unattentive.

    Is it so important WHY she loves you? Even if she is "only" after your money - she probably will love you (as long as you are considered richer than the average Thai yuppie in her environment).


    Bingo and thanks for bringing up this very valid and important point. Most of us are here because we could find attractive women who don't care what we look like so long as we have cash, which we do or we would not be here. There is nothing wrong with this at all, in fact this is a great thing for us

    • Thanks 1
  3. I give my gf 15K per month and happy to do so. If I was married, wait did I say married? Actually you couldn't pay me to get married so no number would be applicable positive or negative. I'm always blown away by how many people in this forum are married but that's their problem

  4. I would not be the least bit surprised at all if they denied all of these "grandfather claused" visas on renewal down the road. Whether it's the people on married visas with 400K in the bank or the 3 million baht condo purchasers "grandfathered" in. I just would not be comfortable or trust that I am covered going forward. Grandfather clausing is a western concept and this aint the west.

  5. Quote;

    At least Vientiane has a U.S. Embassy along with a Thai Embassy (unlike, say, Penang); should the services of U.S Embassy be required, it's nearby. Two week wait for any renewal of U.S. passports, though, and must be done in person as "no reliable delivery services are available" here in and around Thailand.


    Even in Bangkok there is a 15 day wait for a new passport and they will NOT mail it to you. It must be picked up in person. I think the cost was US $62.

    Glad I can walk to that embassy. All I gotta do is figure out how to get my non O based on visiting friends and year rental contract. I better start a thread on that one

  6. Brazil do me a favour!

    If you have enough money to fly out there and get set up in life, you have enough money to get legal here. And, if you have that much money, you are in great danger of having it taken at gun or knife point from you.

    Just a bunch of whinging tax and WP dodgers imagining they can scare the Thai Authorities into letting them stay here and carry on scamming.

    Whilst there are a couple of clever what ifs and I'm a lottery winner type posts on this site, the reality is that most longstay "tourists" here are tax dodging or criminals or both.

    How can you expect to stay here forever and never show where your income comes from? If you can't show income, how are the Thai authorities supposed to know how you live? Its obvious, you've had it too good for too long.

    what an idiot. :o

    None so blind as they that cannot see. The Thai authorities have finally caught up with a bunch of tax dodging wide boys, you all squeal and post graphic descriptions of how Thailand will fall into the abyss without you, then make juvenile posts like this. I expected better from somebody who makes so many posts.

    Look forward to your posts from Brazil when you all make it out there! I'm certain the total sum of "tourist" expats re-locating from Thailand to Brazil will be less than ten.

    Won't happen as life is still too good here and still worth fighting (conforming) for.

    IMHO Its still better, cheaper, more fun and safer to get legal in Thailand than to go to Brazil.

    If your opinion is that anybody that disagrees with you is an idiot you are sadly mistaken.

    Chuckok, how dare you. Idiot is not the word, I prefer moron

  7. [i genuinly had no idea anything had changed re using services such as these!

    Does anybody have any further information or had the same experience of late?


    UP/ TO /YOU…

    I have only one question to pose. If you have a Thai wife and child, then why in God’s name are you using visa services and making border runs?

    There is only one reason; you must be working illegally in the Kingdom.

    Get your ducks in a row and live here legally, or go back to you native land (with your wife and kids).

    Choke Dee Krap

    you always get one smart arse.

    If you don't know his circumstances why pass coments like that.

    He maybe a teacher being screwed about by MOE (Ministry of Education).

    I was & told to do visa runs until it was sorted out yes by MOE!!.

    As I post just before my friend had problems at frienship bridge as well & he IS legal just have to go outside of Thailand to change visa status.

    I thought this forum was here to help us falangs not flame people???

    Engage brain before engaging keyboard.


    Yeah Paul, these wise guys always seem to be lurking.

  8. <snip>I have found Laos to be a lot more tourist friendly than Thailand, I don’t get scammed for money by the police and the immigration department in Vientiane are very polite and helpful and will assist you (without a bribe) to obtain both extensions and long term visas to stay in Laos <snip>

    Mon 16 Oct 06, 10:54 a.m.

    I don't know what those guys are talking about. You go to Laos Immigration window at the Nong Khai border, with your completed application, photo, passport and 1,500 baht, and you get your 15 day visa in 5 min. if you are not traveling during peak hours. If you need a month, you have to go to a Laos Consulate, but that is also quick & easy. The few times I have bee to the Laos Consulate in Khon Kaen, I was the only customer there!

    MyFriendSame, could you describe what the long(er)-stay options are for Laos are, fees, procedures, etc.? Thanks, lah!



    Hey hey, hold on a minute there Jackson, I did not make that quote. That was a quote from someone else within my post. You had better go back and find out who it was and ask them. I know nothing about Laos visas and never claimed to. As a matter of fact I have never even been to Laos and likely will never go there. I have zero reason to go

  9. Don't know what a kibbutz is but I do know that Israel is possibly the most racsist nation on earth vs non-jews. This is not publicized in the mainstream western media at all for some reason so most people do not know this. I feel for you as you are caught up in a very tough situation.

  10. I think a lot of punters forget that Laos is a communist state. Personally I'd recommend staying away from Laos and Burma and conduct visa proceedings in Malaysia...with Cambodia as a second choice.

    You are clueless.......... I bet you have never been to either Laos or Burma have you??? But yet you offer an opinion. For your information I have found Laos to be a lot more tourist friendly than Thailand, I don’t get scammed for money by the police and the immigration department in Vientiane are very polite and helpful and will assist you (without a bribe) to obtain both extensions and long term visas to stay in Laos (a thing of the past in Thailand). Malaysia is more expensive and a pain in the arse to travel to as the closest Thai embassy to the border is 2 hours traveling. I think you have been watching too much western propaganda on TV about communism…… but then that’s why “democratic” governments say what they do about communism to make SHEEP like you form unfounded opinions. Look how well communism works in Singapore, one of the best standards of living in Asia.

    Agreed there are a lot of clueless folks who stick the commie label on countries and know zero about them and have zero experience with them. This is just flat out wrong. Many of these "commie" countries are well organized and professional in how they go about there business. In many cases corruption is very low

  11. One thing I don't understand is if the op is married and has a child why not get a one year extension from Thai immigration for support of a Thai family instead of going on visa runs?


    This is at least the 2nd time this question has been asked in this thread. I will come to the defense of the OP on this one. Obviously he has his reasons: whether not qualified financially or other reasons. I'm going to guess that he knows what it takes to get that visa. I'm sure he'll answer the question in here at some point

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