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My Friend Same

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Posts posted by My Friend Same

  1. Being a Mexi food lover from way way back in the USA where good mexi is (was?) plentiful. I can unequivockly attest that good Mexican food does not exist in Thailand so it is best to just write it off so you won't get disappointed. There is plenty of very good thai food here which seems to be the best option. Trying to find good Mexi here is like trying to find a good beer or bottle of wine, it aint gonna happen. Good thai food-yes, good lookin' chicks-yes, good beer-no, good mexi-negativo. There's a lotta good things here and Mexican food aint one of them, trust me on that

  2. This is a really good and important thread. Of course the goal here is to come up with a long term solution for girlx's visa problem and no doubt this can help others. 1st I would like to say that I agree with much of what Livinlos has said in this thread even though he offers no solution but does speak the reality of it and obviously has 1st hand knowledge of its severity. Kudos to you, Livin.

    Next we have a possible solution offered by mouse and this is a great suggestion indeed. If girlx can come up with the 84K for that work permit then she's on easy street with that nice NON-IM B. However 84K is a lot of cash to shell but if available then I say shell. Thanks Mouse

    I will offer up a 3rd and perhaps best solution and one that requires zero cash whatsoever. This is clearly what girlx should do and she is super lucky as no man has this option. girlx, simply marry a Thai. A lot of us guys have done this to solve our visa problem and we need financial resources on top of that. You should get yourself a Thai husband and visa situation solved. I'm sure a lot of women here can introduce you to good candidates. sbk?

  3. The news story in the OP's post is typical anti christian trash that the anti christian mass media and Hollywood have continuously spewed through their controlled mediums for centuries. A mass bonfire should be made of movies and news stories that spew this garbage so that only a massive ash pile would remain of this propaganda. It's getting so that one cannot say Merry Christmas anymore; now you have to say "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings". Well not me, I say MERRY CHRISTMAS! How many times do you see in a Hollywood movie a Christmas tree being burned or smashed. I watched an episode of the Simpson's where a bully takes a toy santa and smashes it to bits and the laughs his ass off. This happens constantly. I say start the bonfire and make the ash pile of this stuff. It belongs in the ashbin of history

  4. im doing this visa run in janurary, about the 9th or 10th i believe.

    from what ive heard, its 10 hours on a bus from bangkok to the ferry crossing.

    then spend about 9 hours between queing at immigration and refreshing in the hotels etc...

    then 10 hours back.

    the company im going with charge 1700 baht for the trip.

    but that doesnt include the visa fee or the hotels.

    not 100% sure if im going to do it..

    can anyone reccommend an easier option? i dont want to fly or spend much more money.

    concidering there is myself AND my foreign girlfriend going to do the visa.

    we need the 60 day tourist with extension!

    school is sorting out the paper work to convert them into non imm b and paper work..

    Let's see, this was something you posted previously:

    i still dont see why this is such a huge problem...

    i think they are right to do what they plan to do.

    if your legally here, then fine. show your work permit, visa etc.

    people who are here legally will have everything they need.

    people who are here illegally then you deserve what you get for doing what you do.

    most people here when they are back in their own country's probably didnt like all the immigrants in their own country...

    look at the uk... do you agree with whats going on there??


    well your doing the exact same as them over here...

    in the end, if they do enforce it, ( prays they do ) then the people here legally with permits, visa's etc will reap the benefits.

    i cant wait for teacher wages to go up when there is a shortage of teachers...

    myself and my farang girlfriend are more than laughing at this scenario...

    sitting on a years permit, and a 3 year contract i dont see what we need to worry about.

    apart from going with the highest bidder to hire us.

    Now it seems that you are actually working here illegally without a work permit or teacher's license :o

    If you're not going until January, why can't your school get you the paperwork needed for a non-immigrant B visa by then? It's not that difficult.

    Good pickup on the illegal worker fool, Col.

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