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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. I can't wait to see how they fit 15 seatbelts in the tray of a pickup!
  2. Other countries have men, not fragile gutless cowards.
  3. Or maybe he wants to discuss a name change to Ben Dover or Phil McCavity!
  4. Well, who nose, just do it, I'm sure no one here cares what you do!
  5. Try laying on your side.
  6. I heard Apple at the Randy Mongrel bar is looking for a husband, give it a whirl! ????
  7. If a million or more got out and voiced their opinion there'd be a diferent outcome.
  8. Ozzy Osbourne says he's leaving the US because of gun violence But, Americans need to protect themselves against.....................................Americans!
  9. Welcome to the third world!
  10. Serious stuff, did someone look at his brother? ????
  11. That's a lot of Thai's to pity, so if so many dislike them, why don't they get out and do something about it??? ????
  12. Oh damn, I would have made him an offer! ???? Nothing like a magical rock!
  13. They do............fleecing the population!
  14. Made little difference, they need a few million to make a difference.
  15. Are you moaning about the moaners? ????
  16. Pity more locals did'nt have the fortitude to do the same!
  17. Be very careful! It could make people happy!
  18. So, the Chinese will be monitoring themselves?
  19. Oh come on, people are posting photos of their breakfast on Facebook, essential viewing!
  20. The highest bidder has ordered a crackdown, that should be good for about a week!
  21. I'll definitely be steering clear of Thai Airways!
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