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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Was it as you handed over the daily fee of 5000 baht to the girl you stole off the sleeping American, Bob?
  2. Have you tried making merit at a temple? ????
  3. If you need to ask, you should'nt be driving!
  4. Will he be eligible for a cabinet position on his return? Foreign Minister comes to mind, he has vast international experience!
  5. What's the price of scrap metal?
  6. She has done the right thing, I hope the Emperor for Life Xi is totally humiliated! Good for you, Nancy!
  7. Thank heavens there are 3 submarines on the way, albiet without engines......The country is safe!
  8. It's high time someone stood up to the Emperor for Life Xi!
  9. Don't go yet Bob, it's very entertaining seeing this mess you've got yourself in! ????
  10. No..................he's not that smart!
  11. My institution is better than your institution. Culturally fragile face seeking males.
  12. Here's a tip, it's an ongoing cultural thing, been happening for years!
  13. What a man, just pay her well, Bob, say, around 5000 baht per day! ????
  14. For 5000 baht per day, Bob, make sure she washes your clothes! ????
  15. An antiquated culture is stunting their growth!
  16. Mushrooms, like duped investors, kept in the dark and fed on BS!
  17. Yes, get them now......kaching kaching! ????
  18. See Bob.......5000 baht a day works! ????
  19. Pay her, Bob! It's ONLY...... 5000 baht per day! ????
  20. Not only do the CCP dictate to their own people, they are now dictating to the USA! ????
  21. Yes, the handcuffs confirm just how clever he is!
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