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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Constituents are no more than a passage to the trough!
  2. China's legacy to the world....SARS, Covid 19 and shrapnel from space! ????
  3. Trial and error!...................Never try, never know!
  4. Well there's some light entertainment for the morning! Represent the people....hahahahahaha! ????
  5. After this fragile show of manhood, I'm sure the shrine will give him the correct numbers next time! ????
  6. Ask the dog!
  7. Will you be my hero for today or are you too busy extracting??
  8. Very few stray dogs in Vietnam...........they get eaten! ????
  9. Opinions are like as belly buttons, everyones got one! ????
  10. The correct answer is.........................maybe!
  11. The statement has been stated.....job done! Meaning is irrelevant! ????
  12. .........because it's easy and there is so much subject matter! ???? We should form a sceptics club!
  13. Quick, shut the gate, the horse has...............................................................bolted!
  14. A lot of things in this country should'nt be .................... but they are!
  15. Well for a start, I don't drink, I don't hang out on bar stools and I have not had the cause to risk life and limb for my comfortable existence, hence, not my problem.
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