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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. They'll stumble their way along in the dark and eventually the pieces will fall into place, it seems to work for them in most things! No need to think too mut!
  2. I think the majority don't really care, as long as they have rice for their next meal, everything is ok! What have they done to change things in the past 8 years? 10,000 protesters? Irrelevant!
  3. 73 years old and not a grey hair, that head should definitely be preserved!
  4. What the weakening baht means for Thailand’s economy Joy for expats and tourists!
  5. Here's an idea.......a 300 baht tourist extortion should take up some of the shortfall!
  6. How can you put Thammanat and trust in the same sentence???
  7. Well, I guess he'll just have to get a new one! Lot of face in a Benz!
  8. Election campaigns are won with guns and tanks!.....Only one side has them!
  9. They'll all feed the homeless mongrels but no one will take ownership or responsibility!
  10. I thought the pointing was rather lame, they really did'nt have their hearts in it! They could have been better dressed for such an important media event too! Pink and grey..............come on!
  11. Thankfully, one republican has some common sense!
  12. Some would argue that he is a spoilt, impressionable child!
  13. I'll be going to "K" today for "X". Might take "L" with me. Consume a "J" or two.
  14. Don't they all work for the benefit of the people? ????
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