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  1. CBS News buries poll result showing strong bipartisan agreement Jan. 6 was 'a protest that went too far' The liberal network appeared selective when highlighting its poll asking, 'What happened at the Capitol' https://www.foxnews.com/media/cbs-poll-jan-6
  2. Jan-6 is nothing, it should be obvious by the methods of presenting it in a scripted for television production and all one sided. Needs a proper court setting, grand juries, special prosecutors, indictments, there is none of that. What do voters care most about? Show me their main concern, or ANY concern is about jan-6. The media may have it high up on their priority of concerns but not the voters. If it makes you feel better, Trump may get "served" a court appearance for document and records mismanagement but not much more that is circulating in the media. Where does all this go now and where should it go and what should it lead to?
  3. Tons, but obviously not enough for the oh so prized take-down indictment.
  4. Do you or anyone have any proof? I think not OR Trump would be finished by now. Jan-6 is all but over, in about 24 days.
  5. It's a total mess, time to move on from this political diversion and concentrate on what the real issues are impacting American's. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/chris-miller-defence-trump-jan-6-committee-b2132227.html
  6. Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says Requests For National Guard Denied 6 Times In Riots "Sund says he requested assistance six times ahead of and during the attack on the Capitol. Each of those requests was denied or delayed, he says. Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser also wanted a light police presence at the Capitol. She reportedly wanted to avoid a similar scenario as last summer, when federal forces responded to demonstrators opposed to police abuses who assembled near the White House" Need to have a dialogue on the Sund's request and subsequent denials for NG presence. https://www.npr.org/2021/01/11/955548910/ex-capitol-police-chief-rebuffs-claims-national-guard-was-never-called-during-ri
  7. "Liz Cheney is considering a presidential run to stop Trump after losing her House seat" Yes you be correct in saying the topic is about Liz Cheney and someone named Trump (who is said by some (pelosi) that he can't be beat by others if he is on the ticket)
  8. Perhaps, which is his constitutional right or he could start out with a comment on p. 31, 2nd paragraph of the IG-US DOJ J6 report and remind all in attendance that he did request national guard presence on Jan 6th but was deemed unnecessary. That would put some folks on notice. Ask why was this not put forth by the J6 committee thus far? Is it because it's exculpatory? Have a look for yourself. The links included below: DODIG-2022-038
  9. If she ran, she would suffer a humiliating loss. Whats the best way yo win an election against Trump, ask Nancy. "Voters react to Nancy Pelosi claiming Democrats will win midterm elections without Trump on the ballot" https://www.foxnews.com/politics/watch-voters-react-nancy-pelosi-predicting-democrats-win-midterm-elections-trump-ballot
  10. Americans have had a belly-full of “democrats unhinged” and they’re beginning to realize that the Democrat party version of democracy is painful, mostly unconstitutional, and cares nothing about the people but only the chosen elite. So the J6 kangaroo court will roll on and, if I were a betting person, I would say that the January 6 committee will live to regret giving Donald Trump a chance to sit before them and explain what really happened. An opinion by Mr. Conway-CNN What’s next? "Trump could decide to comply. The committee would then negotiate a time, place and method. That would take time. If he refuses to comply with the subpoena, here’s what could happen:" [Contempt, Referral or Prosecution] "This sequence of events seems far-fetched for Trump. “None of that is going to happen,” the Trump critic and conservative lawyer George Conway predicted during an appearance on CNN Thursday. “This is about laying a marker. This is about triggering a response (from Trump).” Trump responded on social media, calling the committee a “BUST” and a “laughing stock” and accusing members of dividing the country." The left has no chance of success against challenging anything Trump and MAGA. Their six years of failing to so illustrates it all, they seem to enjoy the humiliation and they should come to their senses if possible. Nothing is gained, and the people suffer needlessly.
  11. Not no more. Pressure dropped from 10,700 KPa to 700 KPa after the failure. It was used only as gas storage and not as an export line.
  12. "Baltic Pipe" is currently in the conceptual phase and front end engineering design now. It considers transmission of Norwegian gas to landfall in De. Could be in service in 24 months, more or less. Repairs to NS1 & NS2 could, should take some months as the failures are in relatively shallow waters.
  13. Nordstream 2 pipeline has not been put into service as of yet and is transporting no gas.
  14. Harvard Caps Harris Poll: 56% of Voters ‘Have Doubts’ About Biden’s Mental ‘Fitness’ for Office https://cnsnews.com/article/national/peyton-holliday/harvard-caps-harris-poll-56-voters-have-doubts-about-bidens-mental if Biden is of sound mind he may be able to pass the Montreal test, but he's afraid to take it. Why?

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