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  1. White Lotus finally ramps up in episode 5. The main complaint about the White Lotus in general is that it tends to be really slow in the beginning episodes as all the pieces are being put into place and the backstories of the ensemble cast are slowly revealed. But the first two seasons really packed a punch at the end and I'm expecting the same thing from this season. As an aside, even those who don't like it might want to take a look at episode 5. Sam Rockwell makes a special guest appearance and goes into a long monologue about his fixation with Asian women that leads to some pretty sordid actiivties with the ladyboys, which just goes to show what Thailand can do to you. Walter Goggins expression as he listens is priceless.
  2. It was your ex-wife, Bob. Didn’t you recognise her?
  3. Under the Bridge. About the killing of a 14 year old girl of Indian heritage by a group of her peers in a small town in Victoria canada. It takes about 3 episodes to really get going but ends up incredibly painful to watch. The sheer brutality and despair is overwhelming.
  4. what speeds were you getting?
  5. That's fine for you. Other people travel around, they stay in hotels. Many digital nomads rely on WiFI. If you're a peripatetic, I don't see how you can avoid using public WiFi.
  6. How safe do you think your phone is then when you're walking around town, inputting your bank information, or whatever. There's no ideal solution, especially when you're traveling.
  7. It's okay if you use a VPN and only go to HTTPS sites.
  8. Can't afford therapy, is that it? You need to get a hobby.
  9. And don't forget he also has 14 kids to raise
  10. Yes this has been going on for some time. When I asked the bank manager he said it was due to new money laundering rules. Fortunately, they'll take a copy of your passport from your phone.
  11. It does seem to be very popular though. Fully booked for most of March
  12. Yeah, of course I've done that. There isn't much information on longer-term hotels and google reviews aren't so reliable so I was hoping someday here would have some personal experience they could share. I know some of the forum members have stayed for long periods in hotels in Pattaya. But thanks anyway.
  13. Skype is free. I make maybe 4 or 5 calls to the US a year, just to my bank and brokerage. It's hardly worth it to pay a monthly fee and set up dual sims. I might as well just use WiFi calling. Skype was very convenient for that purpose, however, which is why many of us are looking for a similar alternative.
  14. None of those work for callling 1800 numbers in the US
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