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Everything posted by Khyron

  1. I'm sorry, there was a story there somewhere, but I couldn't stop staring at his snaggletooth on the lower left. 😁 That story reminds me about the Brit who found a filipina through facebook, moved in with her and she, along with her family fleeced him for 7 years. I heard him described as the stupidest man in the Philippines. The guy was writing a blog on britishexpats.com for years, everyone was telling him exactly what she was doing but according to him he had it under control. The woman had 4 kids from a previous relationship when he thought she had none. I check in sometimes to see if he still around, and he is, surprisingly.
  2. I know, right? There is something more to this story. There can't be any way to get money out of a bank with just a picture. How do they know what bank? Account number? It is absolutely frightening if that is all they need. Phone apps are ok, just have a going-to-town phone, and a separate bank phone, which is only at home, on a wifi with a VPN, no sim card needed, when not in use it is off and in the safe.
  3. Interesting, why they aren't using Navy divers instead of Marines? I know the Marines are technically part of the Navy, but I didn't know the Marines had divers per se'.
  4. Remember in the Brady Bunch TV show, when Carol had a minor fender bender and the guy she hit came in to court with a neck brace? Mike tossed his briefcase next to the guy and magically his neck was better. Maybe someone did that to see if he was BSing or not, I vote yes.
  5. I do understand why alot of people get rejected, but why some others get a visa is beyond me. My wife met two single ladies, one in her early thirties and a member of the RTP, the other was in late forties, single had a masters in education, and a job at a university. Both took off and went looking for a guy to marry. The Cop got married pretty quickly, the other lady went from San Diego to Boston to work in a friends restaurant. The Cop is still here, the Older lady went back with her Aunt after 5 years. My wife is disgusted by both as it ruins it for her Brother and Mother who would have like to come for a valid visit. What is weird is at around same time my MIL applied to come here for a month or so, she had a passport, land, and was 72, not exactly looking for a guy or a job, she was rejected as a high risk something or another. These two younger broads received visas and had ulterior motives. My BIL would like to come, but we know better. My MIL died in 2019, lovely person, and never made it for a visit. My wife is a citizen now, but won't apply for her family to come over. Too much BS, but it is understandable why there is so much to go through. I have thought, jokingly, to have my BIL come to mexico and cross the border illegally instead of a visa, but my wife would be pissed as she absolutely hates illegals.
  6. The amount of daily flights doesn't make sense, In Sacramento we have 150 daily flights, its a small/medium size airport. A few years ago I would even have called it podunk. Are they thinking peak hourly traffic? The TAT/AOT seem to get their numbers wrong alot.
  7. I hope that A330 pictured is a retired plane, it is very ratty looking.
  8. Did you have two factor authentication? When I log into my accounts, it sends a code to my cell via text. Thinking about it now, it also allows you to send it to an email on record, but that is blanked out mostly. But if the email was hacked, then the security would be moot. I'm with Schwab and Wells. Would you get a text from the states? That is a real stinker that USAA isn't copping to anything.
  9. We (the wife and I) usually make the trip once every 2 or 3 years, since 94. As we are getting older the long flights are getting longer it seems. A non stop from the west coast would be great. I know there is one from Vancouver, but that is sketchy in the winter when we usually go. When I retire in a few years, it won't be that big of a deal. Alot of people up in No-cal were excited when they saw Thai airlines land in San Francisco for the Asean conference, having them come back would really do something for the US market. They do have one of the best liveries. I don't think Thai is worth a crap anymore, but if Thai were to make the nonstop trip, other carriers would probably do as well.
  10. Thanks for all the replies, I was hoping that after a few years, everything would kind of fall away and you would just not be in the system anymore, guess that's not the case. I figure that we (or me) will make a trip back every year or two. It would be easier if I were to keep my California DL, but with that, come jury summons. I have heard that one of the Dakota's (North or South) allows you to claim residency without actually living there. I'll need to look at it more closely. My reasoning is that possibly I can get a DL and not get any summons? Thats what I heard anyway.
  11. Thanks for all the replies, alot of great ideas.
  12. Hello all, I am looking to retire in a few years, and am trying to get things situated before hand. This actually will have two questions. The first is as the title specifies, I am in California at the moment. The second is, how did anyone get the junk mail separated from the legit mail after they moved? My wife and I don't have kids to impose on, and we don't want to burden our friends with going through the junk and real mail. unless that is the only way to do so? I will probably ask a close friend to if I can use their address for bank stuff, but really nothing else. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
  13. I have Libby app on my phone that is connected to my Library here in Sacramento. This allows you to download any ebook in the library for 3 weeks. But I download as many as I want (Up to 50) then turn the kindle on airplane mode. The book electronically returns to the library on time by itself, but it won't delete it from the kindle unless you connect to a network. Airplane mode greatly increases the battery life. Best thing the books are free, along with any magazine subscription to magazines that they have.
  14. BIL's stepson is an NCO in charge of a group of caretaker soldiers for a park on a mountain. The caretaking is cleaning hotel rooms that are used by tourists, and working in the coffeshop for the visitors, there is also a large residence there for SOMEONE who hasn't been there for 40+ years. I won't say where, as it is a good gig. Anyway, back to the point. When my BIL and his wife go to see him several times a year, they are encouraged to fill their tank on the pickup truck, as the military allows its soldiers to use the free fuel. Most of the other soldiers take advantage of this and let their families fillup. I am guessing that they sell it to locals too. The fuel tank is filled up once a month. Supposedly it is for the generator, but since the gen unit hardly ever runs for the large residence, they use it before it goes bad and get it filled up monthly. From what I understand, this is common all over.
  15. The key word is "income". Due to the agreements between LOS banks and other counties, it would be very unlikely that you as retirees would pay anything other than what is normally taxed as income. Savings would not be taxed, as it is not income. As much as the current government is courting western businesses to set up shop here, double taxation probably isn't in the cards as it would be a huge turnoff to any foreign investors. I believe that the current people in charge now, as much as most do not agree with how they came to be, they are pretty savvy businessmen and know how to attract investment. Of course YMMV. ????
  16. I wish you luck but spellcheck is your friend. Punctuation would make it readable too. I am afraid you may stir up the wasp nest and make issues for the rest of us, but hey, I have been wrong before, and will be wrong again in the future.
  17. To be honest, all the aggravation and stress can be alleviated by getting an agent. I feel the same way in not condoning corrupt practices, but life is too short to deal with it, and the most important thing, TIT, they can do whatever they like,????
  18. I like the new ideas you have for the wall. We also have land that is built higher than the adjacent area. Could you let us know what the price of the cement rings are? My wife and I are discussing it at this time, although a few years from building a wall. Thanks.
  19. I flew out the 23rd, and I guess I was lucky, it was only 45 minutes to leave passport control. There needs to be something done if they are to get more people in and out. It will only take time for the word to spread about the passport control taking hours to get through for others to mark Thailand off the list for being too difficult in immigration.
  20. I think it is a huge improvement, in the 90's It was a very Podunk airport, I always thought there was danger of getting trampled by a cow wandering through the terminal. Although the big sign that says "international airport" is wishful thinking, nothing international about it. I wish they would get the jetways finished though. I am also amazed at all the Farangs in there too, except for Udon Thani, there isn't anything close to fly out of.
  21. Thanks for the explanation. I am not sure I would have gone for the CTA, a bit too invasive with the chemicals and whatnot. If my arteries had shown plaque or thickness of the walls, then that would be something to think about. For the price, I am happy with the procedure.
  22. I didn't see calcium on there, they did check 14 different items in the cbc. Not sure what a CTA is.
  23. Hi All, I recently went to the Heart Center at Bangkok Hospital in KK. I had wanted to know how my arteries were doing and such, since in the states, they don't really do a detailed look until you have a cardiac episode. I purchased the Healthy heart screening for 8400 baht, there are two other lesser priced screening, but it wasn't a whole lot more to get this one with a few more tests. Their website explains all the different testing they do. I made an appointment at 8am, but it can be done as a walk in as well, the only caveat is that you have to fast, no liquids or food for 12 hours. I am up by Phu Wiang, so it was an early morning for us, they took me in at 7:30 for a bit of paperwork and a blood draw. At 8, they took me back to get gowned up, then height, weight, BP. EKG was next, then it was off to Ankle Brachial index, never had that before. What that is, they put 4 BP cuffs on both arms and ankles, then the machine alternates readings to see if there are any obstructions. Next was the Carotid artery doppler sonography. This looks at the arteries in your neck to see how thick the walls are, any plaque in the arteries as well. They also take sound recordings of the blood flowing through there. From what they told me, the condition of the arteries in your neck are indicative of the rest of the arteries elsewhere, just easier to see. Then there was a chest xray looking at your heart size and lung condition, relatively high contrast xray. Last, there was an Echo cardiogram looking at the inside of the heart. We could see the valves opening and closing, the blood as it pools in the different chambers, and if the blood is stagnant, or is getting out. Also, how the whole heart is moving. At the end the Dr has a consult with you to discuss everything. My results were way better than I had though, no cholesterol plaque at all, arteries look great, heart is like a younger person. The hospital is very professional, the staff most if not all speak good english. I would recommend this place for diagnostic testing, but they look very expensive for any type of emergency treatment. The people in the drop off area were very nice as well, my BIL dropped us off as he had another appt. elsewhere, we were done by 10, had lunch in the basement, then tried to catch a taxi. The staff saw us wandering around and asked if they could help. They called a taxi for us and made sure we were going to the right place. Great experience in all.
  24. It is interesting that all of a sudden, it seems that the Chinese are under the microscope. Is it the CCP wanting its citizens back in China under its control, and asking The Thai gov't for help? Or is Big Joke really doing something worthwhile?
  25. I looked at this flight back in September for a February trip. The price was $906 from Sacramento. That is an unbelievable price from our medium size airport with only one stop. Unfortunately work scheduling made it impractical. I am flying with EVA, been with them since 1994, and they have only gotten better. I have a friend from work who booked it in January for $980 from Sacramento, if he likes it, then I will do this next time.
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