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Everything posted by DudleySquat

  1. You win the "Understatement of the Year Award."
  2. I'm sorry to not carry your water, but that comment is ridiculous.
  3. Isn't the leakage of truth among the plethora of bull shi t is amazing? How many hours were they standing in the sun with no protection?
  4. I'm sorry, but I have to hunt for things on fat women that I can easily find on properly weighted women. I'm lazy to get my haircut too, remember? Don't make me work for it.
  5. Older? How about a clue about how many years old it is?
  6. How do you know it is software and not a cloning device?
  7. Thai women are getting fat. You see this. Most of the women on Thai Friendly are porky. The pictures says 43k but the woman is busting a button on her pants at a paltry 57k.
  8. I suspect the original harddrive has bad sectors that were never repaired. I'm not so sure you can clone a SATA drive to SSD. Drive cloning devices copy sector by sector. I do not thing SSD and SATA share the same sector size. I would guess, that it will fail before it finishes. You are trying to use an HD that is well beyond its MTBF.
  9. I can speak only for Thai Friendly. I have found that, without exception, women will post pictures of themselves at 43k and look fit but will fill out the drop-down menu for 50k or higher. They lie with their photos but never lie about the question of height and weight.
  10. Fat women make me unhappy.
  11. My router shows both to me. Tell them you will cancel.
  12. Would a not kind or a kind mod please put this story into the ash pile?
  13. Was this even a strong suspicion?
  14. I am more than shocked, I am flabbergasted at the strenuousness of your tone.
  15. You have been told to report back. Please put it on your calendar.
  16. The best place is Kasetsart University. In an emergency, that would be two and a half hours away.
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