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Everything posted by DudleySquat

  1. I wonder if Nuern Plub Wan Animal Hospital doesn't have one? I think they do. Can anyone confirm? If you know of other vet hospitals, please name an avian vet.
  2. Surmise what you want, but you are not being helpful. Aren't you ashamed?
  3. Don't put words in my mouth. It's not tasteful.
  4. Sometimes the wait for a haircut can be more than an hour. I'm too lazy and not predisposed to sit in uncomfortable seating. Someone should open a chiropractic clinic next door to the barber shop.
  5. If you were sensitive you wouldn't need either.
  6. My connection is PPPoE. I know the username and password. I can use almost any modem capable of PPPoE. Take the existing modem and put your new modem behind the existing one. Now you have two NAT devices that ultimately give you excellent hacking protection. Turn off the WIFI on the existing modem and use the better WIFI on your newer modem.
  7. My son and I need a haircut. I get my massage done at my condo, why can't I get a haircut here too?
  8. That's a good point. I can buy a new one and give this to my son. He won't use it like I did, so it might work better for him.
  9. I don't know any "farang."
  10. Most do not know it can be used to lower blood-pressure.
  11. I push my watch. I swim with it. I listen to Spotify on it. I bought it second-hand from a Norwegian with all papers and receipts. It's no longer under warranty. It tends to overheat too. Currently, I cannot get more than 1 hour of playing music on my phone and then it dies.
  12. Cialis takes an hour or two to kick in. If you don't have fat in your stomach or it is empty, the uptake can be quicker for Viagra. 20mg of Cialis will last 36 hours. Viagra maybe 4. Read online from medical websites. drugs.com for example.
  13. Marketing? Overcharging for a repair and for the part is not nice. I can buy a battery replacement kit with tools from iFixit in the USA. It is a bit more detailed than I would like. It's not the same as reconstructing a penis in a funeral home. That's easy.
  14. It's quite apparent that not many here read package inserts or check online. Cialis will lower your blood pressure. You can take 5mg daily, and it will have two effects.
  15. Are you in some alternative universe? Where did I say I wanted to buy it from a Pharmacy that won't sell to Thais? I'll wait.
  16. The Chinese pharmacy near Terminal 21 in BANGKOK sells Cialis for 400b.
  17. Your inability to parse a sentence does not turn me into an automatic teacher. I suggest you reread my initial post. Do it slowly this time.
  18. I assure you all that I was not in Bangkok.
  19. A watch is the only accessory a man should wear. Everything else is garish and a bit effeminate.
  20. The battery would come from iFixit in the USA.
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