There has been much talk here about Gordon Ramsay opening restaurants in Thailand. We watch almost all of his TV shows. We do learn about the art of cooking and I use things I have seen him do in my cooking. With that said, Mr. Ramsay has a liking for fish sauce in some of his cooking.
I can't stand the smell.
A few years ago I walked by the kitchen while my then-wife was preparing something that didn't require fish sauce. Yet, it smelled as if she had spilled some in the utensil drawer. It didn't require a cleanup to get rid of the smell. It required three antibiotics.
Why would anyone eagerly pour something that smells like a vaginal infection on their food? Yes, it is a disgusting comparison, but it is right on the money, isn't it?
If it is so good, is it so good for you?
That's a valid question, too. Rotting fish guts cannot possibly be good for you. Is it?