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Everything posted by DudleySquat

  1. That's exactly what a >>>>>LOL medicine does. It will bring your resting heart rate down to 50 as it has done for me for more than 20 years. How is it that you are just learning this now?
  2. There has been much talk here about Gordon Ramsay opening restaurants in Thailand. We watch almost all of his TV shows. We do learn about the art of cooking and I use things I have seen him do in my cooking. With that said, Mr. Ramsay has a liking for fish sauce in some of his cooking. I can't stand the smell. A few years ago I walked by the kitchen while my then-wife was preparing something that didn't require fish sauce. Yet, it smelled as if she had spilled some in the utensil drawer. It didn't require a cleanup to get rid of the smell. It required three antibiotics. Why would anyone eagerly pour something that smells like a vaginal infection on their food? Yes, it is a disgusting comparison, but it is right on the money, isn't it? If it is so good, is it so good for you? That's a valid question, too. Rotting fish guts cannot possibly be good for you. Is it?
  3. Thailand is the land of thinking as an option. How many times did the idiot maid, guards, and some residents close all the windows in the condo during the height of COVID-19 and Delta? When I asked them about the virus and fresh air they would always remind me that it "might" rain.
  4. You can't say with a straight face that the police reduce crime here.
  5. I get annoyed at Thai food and Thai restaurants because I want to eat food that doesn't smell like a yeast infection my wife had a few years ago. Aside from certain cheeses, name a foreign food that smells like a sick vagina? The description is extreme, but that is precisely how it is.
  6. My son regularly fetched 80-100b off per order. Grab.
  7. That saves a lot of money by sending him to another school. He's already at another school.
  8. 180 days a year makes you a tax resident? If you exit on day 179, does make it so you are considered a non-Tax Resident? If I leave with a reentry permit, have I left, or does that assume a continuous stay? Does the 180 days reset when you reenter Thailand?
  9. Not one person here has asked the proper question: What is a tax resident?
  10. I have one. It works. Don't listen to anyone else on here. One things, if your buddy buys it, it will come registered to him. You will need to call support and put your Amazon account on it.
  11. Please tell us her name and the bar where she works. YIKES!
  12. Clearly, you never took a logic course.
  13. I called a few airlines and suggested porta-potties at every gate. If everyone could take a huge dump at the gate, the savings in aviation fuel would be tremendous. Save the planet by LEAVING YOUR CRAP BEHIND. An insider told me
  14. Putting the fatties on one side of the plane and the skinny people on the other side will do wonders for the W&B.
  15. You will cause a great suction never seen or experienced on this forum. They will fully unretire the old Chestnut of THAI BASHING!
  16. Said child is an airbag. A helmet might get in the way.
  17. It took a while. The old tried, and true chestnut. "THAI BASHING!" Don't let the kids see.
  18. What would you suggest? Tossing the gold with the large water bottle into the bin at airport security?
  19. Are there still people who wear underwear?
  20. How is it false? It's interesting you make a declarative statement but show no proof or reference.
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