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Everything posted by ibjoe

  1. There is no honor in killing, only shame. No respect for murderers.
  2. Sex workers should have legalization and social support: rights and respect for sex workers. But that won't happen, there is too much resistance from the people exploiting the workers i.e. operators who want to keep their profits high, paid / bribed politicians / law enforcement, customers who want to keep prices low, and social conservatives. As long as the "world's oldest profession" trade remains illegal, workers will be exploited and trafficked. Sex work should be legal, regulated, and licensed, with oversight by social workers to ensure all workers are doing it by choice and not coercion.
  3. The post title is wrong. It should be "Will Kamala Denounce the Anti-Genocide Protestors?". I don't condone the attack on Israel, but I understand the motivation. The Israels have been oppressing the Palestinians for decades, treating them like the Nazis treated the Jews, and nobody should be treated like that.
  4. I forgot to note: I told the bank all the funds were originally transferred to them from my USA bank, in Baht. That seemed to be a requirement for me to transfer the funds back to USA.
  5. I transferred about ฿800,000 to my USA bank account from my Krungthai account using wire transfer. I just gave them my USA bank routing number and account number. We visited Krungthai main branch in Bangkok. It took a couple of hours, filling out papers, etc. I apparently had to change account type, close old account and open new one, but it was transparent, same account number, etc. They charged ฿1000 fee for the transfer. This was the same USA account I had been using to transfer money TO my Krungthai account, using wire transfers, on regular basis. My bank never charged transfer fee to send, though Krungthai charged a small fee to receive; but my USA bank did charge a $15 fee to receive this transfer. The transfer to USD was quick, about 2 days. The transfers to Krungthai were slower, typically 3 to 5 days.
  6. Had to read through the posts a bit to figure out that Thai wife got visitor visa to UK.. (could have been to another country e.g. AU, US, NZ, etc., or maybe even Thailand, heading wasn't clear). Thank you for your report.
  7. I have one CC on a USA bank I use for all my international travel as it offers significant perks, like no foreign transaction fees, etc. It's been defrauded three times. I have my bank's app which I set to immediately notify me of any charge on that card. The first time hundreds of dollars for various things overnight (my phone on do not disturb, so I didn't get the notices). I called the bank immediately, they canceled the card, credited my account for the fraud charges, and sent me a new card. Which took a long time for me to get because my friend had to forward it to me in Thailand. The second time was surprising because I had only bought a few reputable travel things online, but was quickly alerted by my bank app, and again the bank quickly credited my account and sent me a new card. Then I learned that I can lock my card with the app. Now I keep that card locked all the time, and only open it to make a purchase after which I immediately lock it again. The third time I got some notifications from the app of small (less than a dollar) unauthorized transactions, which I realize are "test" transactions that scammers do to verify it before hitting it big time. They didn't go through because my card was locked. I told the bank, they immediately sent me a replacement card. Now I realize my card WILL be scammed occasionally, and my defense is to keep it locked. It's a slight inconvenience every time at Lotus, 7-11, online travel companies, etc. to unlock it during each use, but is a small price to pay to avoid getting scammed, again.
  8. From 1944 to 1971 the dollar was backed by gold, and so was the international choice, per the Bretton Woods Agreement. But then, unfortunately, USA president Richard Nixon cancelled that, making the dollar fiat currency (it has no intrinsic worth, it's only value is what people agree on). This fiat dollar is great for financial corporate games to extract money from the system, including by inflation. As usual, this means poor people get poorer while rich people get richer. Poorer people generally do actual work, providing services and products. Rich people generally parasitically extract money from the system e.g. by corporate / financial investments, etc. without doing any actual work. That's they way the game is, if you don't participate e.g. by investing, etc. then you slowly lose. Inflation generally rises faster than wages, so if you are a worker your effective income continually diminishes. If your cash isn't invested in something with a return rate at least as much as inflation, then it's losing value. USA government has the "I-Bond", which guarantees return of at least inflation, but only $10k per calendar year investment is allowed. My physical gold and silver has slightly bettered inflation.
  9. I've had knee problems for many years. One supplement that helps me a lot is Glucosamine (sulfate / chondroitin). I understand it doesn't work for everyone. It takes a few weeks for me to notice the effect (and a few weeks to notice the effect if I stop eating it daily). This supplement can help rebuild cartilage (and thin cartilage is what my knee problem is). Also helpful for me are exercises that strengthen the stabilizing muscles. And any of the patella supports, I prefer the tube with a hole for patella, this stabilizes them, but even just the strap under patella helps. Now my knees are generally okay, as long as I keep eating Glucosamine, but if I walk too much they go bad, not more than a few km per day. Walking too much wears my cartilage faster than my old body can maintain it. Best of luck.
  10. We were at BKK when this happened. Looking out the window of my airplane waiting for take off I wondered why there were so many emergency vehicles with red and blue lights, learned about the issue later after landing. Our flights were delayed. We always wear our seat belts snugly the entire flight, except for quick trip to lavatory if necessary. I try to stay dehydrated for long flights to minimize such trips.
  11. Sad about the deaths this year due to rocket malfunction. I was there in 2023 and noted one rocket malfunction, but no one was hurt. Eventually authorities / organizers may limit the size of these rockets for safety reasons. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/358898/rocket-dives-into-crowd-at-kalasin-rocket-festival
  12. Lead hasn't been allowed in fuel for decades. The octane is set by specific formulation, not by adding lead.
  13. Higher octane gas burns slower which may be necessary for certain higher performance engines. Many modern vehicles can detect the type of fuel, and if higher octane fuel is used can provide slightly increased performance e.g. by additional spark advance in the ECU, but will accommodate lower octane fuel just fine. If you don't care about a tiny performance difference, and your vehicle doesn't have symptoms e.g "knock" or "ping" with lower octane, it's fine to use. If your vehicle isn't tuned for higher octane fuel, using it is a waste, and can actually decrease performance (because it burns slower).
  14. Right click on taskbar speaker icon to get "Open Volume Mixer" dialog, same as Settings - System - Sounds - Volume mixer. Since a recent Windows update I've had problems with Windows capriciously setting apps to very low levels. First thing I do with low / no audio problem is check Windows Volume Mixer settings. For safety I leave Windows Updates on, let the monthly update install, and remain aware that sometimes it creates problems.
  15. Many people will agree with your "ignorance is bliss" statement. And many people do care and do take personal actions to mitigate this ongoing climate change problem. Things YOU personally can do *now* are reduce your energy consumption, make your home energy efficient, choose vehicles with good MPG or are electric, choose high efficiency appliances, turn off things when not in use. Disposition your fossil fuels investments if you have them. Raise awareness by discussing the issues with friends and family, join activist groups. Also, reduce or stop eating meat - animal agriculture creates more greenhouse gas than transportation. Thank you to those who care, for being part of the solution, and not part of the problem.
  16. I've taken Starlux (Taiwan) a couple of times, and the experiences were good. TPE (Taoyuan) Airport is very nice, each gate with a beautiful theme. Once the arriving flight was late, at the arriving gate staff ran us through the airport to connecting flight. I was concerned about luggage also connecting, but no issues. My EVA experience was also good. ANA and Cathay were okay.
  17. I recently went to Bangkok Hospital Dental in Phuket, very professional and quality work, price quite low compared to USA. I don't know about Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok Dental, but if similar to Phuket is likely a good choice. Bumrungrad hospital in Bangkok is also world class, their dental department may also be a good choice, though I don't have personal experience.
  18. Thank you for your candor. Do you have any interest in reviewing the data and science about these perspectives?
  19. "Climate has not gotten worse..." Unsubstantiated statement. If you define climate and pick your data in such a way to support your statement, you could probably arrange that, and then you could have debatable material. Whether or not I (and others) use only available forms of energy is not relevant. It is not hypocrisy. When choice is available I will gladly pick alternative energy options, including at a price premium. I support and promote energy conservation, and alternate energy sources including solar, wind, ocean, thermal, and nuclear. I realize they all have both advantages and disadvantages.
  20. Thank you for your post demonstrating the futility of debate with a denier. Your stated issue is irrelevant to the current situation. Anyway, I don't ask anyone to trust me. I encourage people to do their own research on the available data and make their own conclusions. Making this more difficult is propaganda saturation covertly sponsored by petro corporate interests. For example "reports" that cherry pick data and convolute reasoning, or use of related distracting issues, anything to make deniers feel good about their perspectives. Sticking to well established data about things, like year over year changes in CO2 levels, temperature changes, ocean levels, etc. can help make it more clear. You could turn this around and say - but the people that are warning us are also using these techniques to make non-deniers feel good. However people that are aware of climate change issues generally don't feel good about them, and they tend to stick to the facts, though they may elaborate on occasion. Entities with vested interest in mitigation, such as alternative energy, may promote their potential solutions, even in unrealistically optimistic manner. I'm a skeptic, I don't accept positions of either side without doing my own investigation. At this point there is a lot more data supporting we are experiencing climate change now, it will get worse, humans promote it, and humans could mitigate it if they act aggressively enough quickly enough, which I doubt they will.
  21. I started doing that, with unsatisfactory results, then got the idea that perhaps other members here might have had positive experiences to share. Seems shipping costs will be expensive, maybe best bet will be just book extra luggage on my next flight to USA. Thank you all responders.
  22. I will not debate climate change with a denier, because they tend to ignore facts and the logical conclusions. While they may cherry pick data, they lack the critical thinking and emotional detachment skills to acknowledge the overall situation. This is not to be insulting to them, evolution has selected for these traits, I won't fault people for who they are. I encourage putting opinions aside and evaluating the actual overall data before postulating. Climate deniers tend to use these arguments: 1) There is no climate change. 2) There is climate change, but it's not influenced by human activity. 3) There is climate change, but the effects are good for the environment (e.g. plants utilize CO2). 4) There is climate change, and I don't care (e.g. I'm rich and can afford to personally avoid the effects, I'll be dead before it's really bad, etc). Ask yourself what kind of denier you are. See if you can find data that might change your mind. Be aware of "Confirmation Bias" factor, where people give more credence to articles (data and/or opinion) that agree with them than articles that don't.
  23. Humans caused Climate Change,and only humans can mitigate it. We have passed the "tipping point", Climate Change will continue to get worse. Vast populations will be displaced, partly due to rising sea levels, and as those people seek new lands to live on there will be conflicts and wars. Now is a good time to focus on mitigating this looming catastrophe, mainly by avoiding petroleum energy. Green energy industry will provide many jobs and a better environment. Fossil fuel corporate interests will dispute this and supply much obfuscating propaganda to encourage doubt. China is largest contributor to greenhouse gases, followed by USA, EU, and Russia, in that order.
  24. Hi all. Anyone have experience or ideas about shipping from Thailand to USA? We have one or two boxes of books, maybe 40kg total. Looking for low cost option, with not more than a few weeks shipping time. Suggestions?
  25. Radiated tortoises are critically endangered. Now more so. 😧😢 Hopefully they will be returned to their native environments, survive, and not be captured again.
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