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Everything posted by degrub

  1. I would get screened for malaria and similar parasites as part of any evaluation.
  2. That will take the looseness out of the ride. I’ve replaced all the rubber bits on the front end of my suv with similar results.
  3. degrub

    Bangkok red

    Taxi stand ? something else is going on.
  4. 555 For the same reason we have international standards to help push / pull the world to a “better” state of life, on average, instead of circling the drain in a whirlpool of naval gazing. 555
  5. I would guess the reason Linux has not taken off, with the exception of servers, is because of the heavy investment by businesses in Windows as a user system and the software supporting business is written for Windows. The same complaint can be made by users of Macs in their various flavors. Linux is a niche system. So is Mac. Profitable software is written for the lowest common denominator as that is the largest set of buyers. IBM found that out with OS/2.
  6. degrub

    Bangkok red

    Maybe AoT is being subjected to a certification inspection by ICAO . i think all structures over certain height and those within certain distance on approach paths near airports have to have red beacons at highest point.
  7. The air pressure keeps the treads in contact with the road and the sidewalls at the intended roundness. Increase the load and the sidewalls bulge out, locally heating up that can lead to premature failure. Increasing the tire pressure corrects that. Remove the load and the tire tends to round out reducing the amount of tread in contact with the road - dangerous for control. Reducing tire pressure puts the treads back on the road.
  8. RIP young people. at least it would have been quick. tough extraction . doesn’t appear to have had much fire post impact. those are the worst.
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