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Everything posted by degrub

  1. If you can log into the router, you can likely get the brand and model number. Or maybe it is listed under your service plan. Or ask True what they provided. Was the True tech connected by Ethernet wire or wireless ?
  2. Apple supports for 5 years from date of first availability.
  3. If your existing tablet is using wireless N, a new tablet using wireles AX will be snappier and seem faster. But the router has to be providing wireless AX. So maybe. Even if the router and the tablet support wireless AX, if there is a lot of interference from neighbors , you may not notice any difference. Wired will always be more reliable. i don't know what the wireless router is providing. I don’t know what your existing tablet is using for wireless. ipad9 is Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) with 2x2 MIMO; speeds up to 866 Mbps Ipad 10 is Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) with 2x2 MIMO Simultaneous dual band should be roughly 2x wireless bandwidth as ipad9, all other things being equal.
  4. Wired ethernet connections will almost always have less latency than wireless. A faster wireless tablet will process the display of the web page faster. Upgrading a wifi router using N or AC to AX based wireless (wifi6) will be faster for the actual communication between the router if you have strong signal. . Wifi is always subject to interference causing packet retransmission which adds lag. So wired for time sensitive interaction. Wireless for everything else. what is the wireless router being used ?
  5. All devices removed from the circuits ?
  6. We got a laugh in Chennai airport security once when the bag X-ray showed my electric tooth brush. They thought it was a bomb. They ransacked my bag until they found the handle with the batteries inside. Had them turn it on and watched as the big security guy jumped when it vibrated. Fortunately, he thought it was funny and we all got a laugh.
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