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Everything posted by degrub

  1. Here is a calculator to give you an estimate of the MDF weight so you have an idea what you are dealing with. https://www.woodworkhubby.com/how-much-does-mdf-weigh/
  2. You need plywood with foil on one side to block re-radiation of infrared. Paint by itself will reduce the heat transfer by a little bit only. There is still significant amount of conductive heat transfer through the plywood because the white surface of the plywood heats up. Foil side on plywood must be facing interior and only exposed to dead calm air to minimize convective heat transfer. Ideally, this would on the inside face of the roof as well if there is not an apartment above yours. Actually, the better location for the foil is the inside face of the window glazing. Then you don’t need any painting at all. Install the noise absorbing plywood mass so that there is an air gap to the glazing. Caulk the gaps around the edges to block the significant sound leakage through cracks. You must use thick , stiff plywood to get enough mass and avoid a diaphragm effect ( think speakers). Probably 15 or 20 mm with thickness higher for longer spans. Also, you can screw on a strong-back stiffener , maybe 50x50 mm if both dimensions of the glazing are long. if you paint the outer face of the plywood, look for a white coating designed to be applied to flat roofs. Otherwise , any white paint with high TiO2 content. The room walls and structural bits in contact with each other will conduct heat from the outside to the inside surface of the room walls no matter what you do with the windows. Air leakage through the wall component joint gaps will bring in heat and moisture as well. If the outside surface is masonry, it will contimue to radiate heat long after the sun goes down, particularly on West facing walls. Maybe it would be easier to move ?
  3. second that. followed by getting out in the sunlight for a walk as soon as possible to reset the old clock
  4. then to ease your frustration and so that the relationship can develop, which you seem to desire, take on the challenge of mastering Thai to a high level. Otherwise, perhaps you are destined to be a Sherlock Holmes 😱😉 Just kidding .
  5. Sounds like you are tired of making the extra effort . Was it the same with previous relationship ? And as G _Money says - lower your expectations. It’s not a competition. After all, you had how many years since age of 10 to master English ? Sounds that are not in Thai make it very difficult for native Thai speakers to master English. Plus, the different ordering of thought between the two cultures make for scrambled egg English.
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