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Everything posted by degrub

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 161 seconds  
  2. The world of IOT….what could possibly go wrong 😂 just remember, in the customer agreement papers, you bought a license to use the device and use their IP, software, etc. Brick-able at the whim of the manufacturer 🙀 or international politics, apparently.
  3. Assuming they were using ethylene, they must have left the cylinder flowing gas for a while under a tent over the fruit cases. Guess they went to eat and forgot it. 100 ppm ethylene in air is all that is commonly used for fruit ripening. Far away from the lfl of 2.75 % v/v in air. Other than the blown off roof panels, not a lot of other damage is visible in the photo. Doesn’t take much pressure , maybe 0,5 psi of overpressure to blow off corrugated panels on roofs or walls typical in light warehouse construction. looks like a really small deflagration from what is shown.
  4. 8x energy ( mass ) release equates to doubling the distance to a given blast impact level.
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