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Everything posted by degrub

  1. Dragging shoe, failed spring, fluid weep/leak into frass from shoe material. Heat above autoignition temp with fluid dampened frass ( very high surface area, low heat removal, plenty added heat = same as varnish rag ignition in trash bucket) can do it. Tire overexpands from heat and blows off. Applying brakes to stop adds more heat rapidly…..
  2. Many times the tyre blowing out is from a brake failure generating heat and starting the fire.
  3. If you are normally drinking a few, the older i get, the more i find it disturbs my sleep. Once you quit, it takes a while for the body to adjust. Could be the anxiety is from that change alone or the alcohol was masking the anxiety all along. Your sleep will come back once the mind body goes through the change. The transition can be up and down for a while. You might try yoga or other meditation that helps deal with the thought patterns that go with anxiety. Exercise usually helps lower the stress and seems to be pretty effective long term.
  4. Sounds like what happens to me when i fly halfway around the world or get an anxiety attack. What works for me to reset the body clock is get up with the sun no matter what and go for an hour walk in the bright light. Eat a good, big breakfast with protein, lots of fiber, and fruit. Stay in bright light as much as possible and stay active. No caffeine after about 11am, period, no matter how tired. Medium or light lunch. Stay active all day doing stuff. No alcohol or spicy food at all. Maybe an herbal or chamomile tea in the afternoon. light dinner and no eating after 8 pm. Ginger with meal can help digestion and help relax. Read a boring book on paper, not tablet, phone, etc. Melatonin if that works . It never did for me. Lie down for sleep. If after 15- 20 minutes, pull out the book again. Next morning, up with the sun doing the same routine. Usually takes 2-3 days to reset the body clock with light and routine. best of luck.
  5. Looks like one of these Euploea core godartii Family: Nymphalinae - Brush-footed Caterpillars https://www.thailandnatureproject.com/lepidoptera---caterpillars.html
  6. Is the extender independently powered or is it dependent on power supplied by the PC usb port ? Are the external drives powered by the USB port or do they have external power ? If you plug in the individual drives one at a time to the AIO USB port, do they respond correctly ? a usb port providing power for charging does not require the OS to do anything. It is supposed to only require the PC bios and usb interface controllers to turn on the switch. To access memory on the device for other functions requires higher level control and a device driver to be loaded on the PC. That why you see “ installing your device” and “device ready for use” messages when you plug in a new device on the port.
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