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Posts posted by Northstar1

  1. On 2/13/2024 at 3:25 PM, spidermike007 said:

    Many of us really like it here. For a dozen good reasons. The The air is horrific. And nothing is being done about it. The regressive politics are annoying too, but these days I try not to think about politics much, as it tends to be a worldwide sewer.


    Some of us have been fortunate enough to find an outstanding woman, who is delightful to be around, on a daily basis, always has our back, and is fun, smart, and lovely. For me, that likelihood of finding that back in the US, would be very low. So, that is a big factor for me. The second factor is just the quality of life. Sure, I miss alot of the culture back home. The theatre, independent film (which I can download here with no issues at all, and a super fast 1 gbps fiber optic connection, at under 700 baht per month!), stand up comedy, live jazz, etc. But I have a lovely home that I rent, for about 10% of what I would pay in California, I live very well on an income which is not huge, have access to great health care, at a tiny fraction of what it costs in the US, and do not have to put up with alot of the aggravation that I had to when I lived back there.

    It is a very personal choice. I have friends who seem to be dropping like flies. I could be dead next year. You just don't know. I am not extravagant, but I live very, very well. A nice house, a new car every few years, new motorbikes for my gal and I every few years, a great art collection, plenty of good wine in the wine cooler, a new 77" OLED TV, a world class home theatre, plenty of international travel, etc. For me, it is a great lifestyle, that I could only dream of in the US. Well worth the expense and very easy to justify. Life is way too short. I have never been a person of extreme thrift. To each his own.

    I used to have more issues than I do now. I worked on my attitude, which was getting in the way of appreciating Thailand for what it is, and was clouding my experience here. Used to stress over stupid stuff, as you can see from some of my past posts. Used to allow the politics to make me angry. Now it is not something I take seriously, just something I comment on, without anger or an emotional investment. Now, I just tend to laugh it off. Spent some real time back in the US recently, and it allowed some clarity and perspective, that I am very grateful for. Now, I just chuckle at most of the nonsense. Water off a duck's back, so to speak.

    So your sacrificing your life?

    that makes perfect sense!


    • Like 1
  2. On 2/7/2024 at 4:50 AM, ChipButty said:

    While nearly 60,000 Russians arrived in Bali last year, roughly 20,000 have been arriving each month

    Locals on Indonesia’s popular holiday island are accusing Russians of taking jobs amid influx sparked by Ukraine war.

    Well over 100k Russians in Georgia.

    they already have taken 20 percent of the country, cost of living is out of control as is rent prices. Is this the next Ukraine?

    • Agree 1
  3. 11 hours ago, apetley said:

    Where we are in Kanchanaburi the figure has been over 100 for ages and will remain that way for sometime. Air quality is appalling, all the kids at school have had sore throats, hacking cough and itchy eyes for weeks and nobody with the power to do something about the problem gives a <deleted>. Thoroughly depressing situation that seems to have no end.

    Why complain? You have chosen to live there! Why not move?


    • Confused 1
  4. 17 hours ago, CanadaSam said:

    I have noticed lately, that the larger women do much more to please their man.  I have always been a petite admirer, but lately, the big girls turn me on, much more accomodating, and I guess more to love?

    You need a lobotomy!

    • Agree 1
  5. On 1/13/2024 at 1:44 AM, Chris Daley said:

    The one on the right side is a smack head.  So he is mostly docile.  He sits around in the side alley.  He then sits in the road over the drain and smokes.  Around about 5pm I water the garden and he comes out, walks in the road and stares directly at me for around twenty minutes.  He occasionally has screaming fits at his wife.  I never see the other side.

    What part of 🇬🇧 the UK is he from?

    • Haha 2
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