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Everything posted by BerndD

  1. Not everyone can follow the logic of mathematics. You can do it!
  2. A noble donor. He added 1 Bt tip. 😉
  3. Mr. MAGA, one example, specially for you: If a beer has 5 volume%, and another beer has 10 volume%, so that beer has 100% more alcohol. And this is what I spoke before about 4,9% and 4,8%. The 4,8% beer has 2% less alcohol. Understand it now, if not, go back to school. Oh my Buddha....
  4. If you don´t know too much about mathematic, it´s not up to me. But I will explain it to you, mybe your brain will understand it now: If 4,9% are 100% of the alcohol in that beer, so 4,8% are not 100% anymore, it´s now only 97,979%. That means, there is 2% less alcohol in that beer, than before. Got it now?
  5. If 4.9% is 100%, then 4.8% is 97.959% of it. Between 4.9% and 4.8% there is actually a 2% difference. That means you have to drink some more to get to your usual level. 😉
  6. @ Baht Simpson: Sorry, I have to agree with you. I checked the alc-% today in Lotus. Chang Classic is now 48% and Cold Brew 46%. On there homepage is no change. I'll have to check my local shop, maybe they still have Cold Brew with 48% 😉
  7. I bought last tuesday 4 bottles 0.63l, and it was 4.8%
  8. Why is beer pasteurized? The pasteurization of beer occurs at the end of the industrial production, after fermentation. Generally, a mild thermal process (60°C) is employed aiming to inactivate the fermenting yeast and potential spoilage microorganisms, thus extending the beer shelf-life at room temperature. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/food-science-and-technology/articles/10.3389/frfst.2021.798676/full
  9. Maybe they brewed a special Cold Brew for you, otherwise the alcohol content is like this: Chang Classic = 5% Chang Cold Brew = 4.8%
  10. Believe it or nuts. I don´t believe this story. Children sometimes come up with the greatest stories, for whatever reason.
  11. I am 81. And this is a very fragile age, but I don´t feel like that! But 51? 55555....
  12. Typical Thai double standards.
  13. When the customer complained that glass was in his food, he had to pay a surcharge for the extra...
  14. Normally, in the case of driving without a license, the insurance company has to pay, but demands the costs back from the driver or the owner of the vehicle. However, I don't know if this is the case in Thailand.
  15. What happens to the police officers who collect not just 500 Baht but 500,000 Baht and more? You leave the little ones hanging, you let the big ones run...
  16. I didn't say a single word that the driver was at fault. Only an indication of the possible nationality was given. Incidentally, the Russians actually have a very high accident statistics, although not as significantly high as the Thai one with more than 20,000 traffic fatalities per year.
  17. This isn't much of a mystery. This is an Eastern European female name, Russia, Belarus... are the possible nationalities.
  18. If Thailand let every idiot enter this country just to boost tourist numbers, Thailand shouldn't be surprised if such cases of misconduct increase. You might think that Thailand attracts the scum of the world like a magnet.
  19. Everything that comes into the EU from China is tested for health risks. Nobody believes the Chinese certificates. Why doesn't Australia do the same before they use the material?
  20. Nach IEC 60228 und VDE 0295 genormte Kabelquerschnitte Durchmesser des Leiters 0,25 mm² ~0,56mm 0,34 mm² ~0,66mm 0,5 mm² ~0,80mm 0,75 mm² ~0,98 mm 1 mm² ~1,13 mm 1,5 mm² ~1,38 mm 2,5 mm² ~1,78 mm 4 mm² ~2,26 mm 6 mm² ~2,76 mm 10 mm² ~3,57 mm 16 mm² ~4,51 mm 25 mm² ~5,64 mm 35 mm² ~6,68 mm 50 mm² ~7,98 mm
  21. It was also possible in Germany, the country with one of the highest standards for electricity, to carry out the house installation with 2 cables, because the neutral conductor was grounded at the feed point and was then also used as an earth connection. However, this has been forbidden for new installations since 1973. In old installations it is still allowed. This is still how it is done in Thailand, the problem is that if the earth connection is lost or the neutral conductor is interrupted, voltage can appear on the housing of the electrical device.
  22. Whose agent are you to give such stupid stuff?
  23. If they used a customer card, a detailed invoice would be printed out. However, you will only receive a normal receipt. Accordingly, a barcode is used, in my opinion a dummy card, which reports to the system that a purchase has been made by an unregistered customer. Is that so difficult to understand?
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