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Phnom Penh Trader

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Everything posted by Phnom Penh Trader

  1. No just the numpties believing everything they read in Murdoch’s rag media will do for now?
  2. I would take them no problem in a heartbeat and guess what? I would have no problems whatsoever with them!
  3. But still you’ve never owned one and never will,have you?
  4. Are you not aware that you are living in a Buddhist country?
  5. The people in the original post have all their limbs now why is that?
  6. Good job that guns,snakes and cars are banned now isn’t it? Oh that’s right THEY ARE NOT!
  7. Dealer is Tupperware illegal in Chiang Mai then,with a thriving black market?
  8. Would you comment on flying a plane with no pilot experience or flying hours,probably not this is no different?
  9. You’ve never owned one so have no experience to draw on to comment,not really rocket science is it?
  10. I rescued her from Gran Canaria she had two broken toes when I got her from her previous owner,who probably stamped on her paw because she wouldn’t fight other dogs? The vet set her toes and put a big metal bar around her leg from shoulder to shoulder,then bandaged it up. The Local Canarian Police used to stop me to ask what had happened to her exclaiming ‘Ay,que pobrecito/Aw what a poor little thing’,plus old German ladies used to stop me also exclaiming ‘you are a very good man!’ Do you have any stories to tell like this I’m guessing no,as you just seem like a very bitter and hate-filled individual?
  11. Exactly who think they can bully a strong and powerful not dangerous dog,a recipe for disaster?
  12. Maybe put the dog with a family where the children and granny don’t attack it thinking they are tough guys who can control a powerful dog,basically trying to treat it like a Burmese/Cambodian housemaid?
  13. He is sitting next to the people that he apparently tried to kill looking sorry for himself,yet they don’t look afraid covered in bandages sat right next to him? A lot more to this story that’s they are letting on,the whole thing smells of utter BS to me from start to finish?
  14. This is my pitbull that I rescued from Gran Canaria and took her to The Algarve,Portugal. Her nickname was the lick machine the most beautiful,softest creature on the Planet Earth my friends would all laugh now at anyone trying to tell them that pitbulls are dangerous having met her? She is just smiling here in this photo she truly was a special animal I gave her to a great family with a nice villa there but it broke my heart into a million pieces,it brings a tear to my eye even now typing this and this was back in 1999?
  15. So the old woman tried to attack the dog and the dog defended itself then,having been alerted by raised voices possibly thinking it was a burglary? No such thing as a bad dog just a bad owner?
  16. Many very respected scientists are of the opinion that we are going into the next Ice Age,however that doesn’t fit the Davos/WEF agenda as a viable way to extort more money in taxes from the middle classes? It is therefore buried by the complicit left wing media as it doesn’t fit their agenda.
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