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Phnom Penh Trader

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Everything posted by Phnom Penh Trader

  1. Exactly next you’ll be looking behind you on your scooter as you pull out onto a main road,full of lorries and buses absolutely preposterous?
  2. When she opened the door mid-flight and said ‘jump out’,did you do that too?
  3. The Nicholas Cage movie ‘Lord of War’ was based on Viktor Bout who is ethnically a Ukrainian and was extradited from Thailand in 2010. He calls The United States Penitentiary,Marion home these days.
  4. Don’t Thai mothers warn their daughters not to date Policemen or Army because of this kind of stuff?
  5. So a bit like a Thai bank card then?
  6. First the Krone next the Euro,thank goodness for the mighty British Pound Sterling keeping tourist resorts afloat worldwide!
  7. “This is exactly the reason why Thailand does not allow visas for more than year even to people who are married to Thai nationals” The above is quoting you anyone can have a 5,10 or 20 year Elite visa whether they are married to a Thai or not so what exactly is your point?
  8. They should go and see the Blue Flag beaches in Spain and Portugal,to learn how to keep their principal asset pristine like the Iberian Peninsula?
  9. There’s a great hotel next to Shagger’s Bar but the name escapes me now? http://monellipattaya.blogspot.com/2020/07/shaggers-bar-soi-lkmetro-pattaya.html
  10. What about the 5,10 and 20 year Elite Visas then?
  11. You left out the other old favourite ‘mai dai’?
  12. How times have changed they used to arrest people for entering a bank wearing a mask?
  13. The way to tune a four stroke engine is by porting the head or modifying the intake and exhaust ports to improve airflow,swapping the camshafts out for higher lift ones and improving the exhaust system. By fabricating a new one with better airflow,Teflon coating the manifold for better airflow or both?
  14. Was she a fan of the movie Mike Bassett : England Manager and Ricky Tomlinson?
  15. I did an Education Visa in Bangkok an intensive course speaking,reading and writing in the Thai language and the very first thing one of the Thai teachers said was ‘we don’t use the tones we go on the context’!
  16. This is the airline that wanted to charge inflight passengers £1 to use the toilet! ????
  17. Was it an ex-Special Forces Operative,in a Chang vest on a barstool that gave you this information?
  18. Yes it’s like a building society in the UK obviously,they have members and not clients so it’s just a workaround or loophole to circumvent archaic laws?
  19. Like a V8 or V10 engine transplanted in?
  20. So your loss of face has led you to shell out for a matching model?
  21. In many parts of Europe you have to give way to traffic entering the roundabout.
  22. Are you driving a motorbike or a concrete mixer?
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