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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. That's how much they like him, even the police officers are smiling.
  2. Probably not but if, then the Shinawatra family are in for a real shock.
  3. Xi would like this as he want them to spend money in China instead of Thailand.
  4. Yes, no matter what the PM not (daddy) says.
  5. Best to avoid the hookers altogether
  6. Indeed, I think this is a scam until they tell more about this alledged "accident".
  7. I thought that the buffalos were extinct, being around so long time.
  8. Lack of air or water in the lungs?
  9. What an idiot he'll be much older when they release him.
  10. "Joe" will have a interesting future if get caught.
  11. Who was the idividual reporting this?
  12. Because it maybe was somebodys pet! *Inflammatory comment edited out.*
  13. No need to go there as we have "bonfire granny" right here on our doorstep.
  14. Wow, sounds like magic, can't be legal.
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