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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. The filthy rich people do understand this but they don't care, have got their paybacks already.
  2. Well, mr Lee you'll probably not have sex, for the next 20 years, unless you count sex with the other inmates. Was it worth it?
  3. More or less, went there 20 years ago, never again.
  4. Most Thais dont't have the funds to pay the fines that's the difference, or underage kids driving their scooters to school, no fine for the same reason.
  5. Obviously not hard enough, quite normal with teenagers.
  6. At the age of 5 their mothers or grannies think they are so qute and spoil them rotten. Then they grow up to become monsters like this punk.
  7. No I'm not itersted ,Why shoulud in I be, Save the planet or your electrict bills My guess is thage latter
  8. Someone doesn't like the sound of your bike two stroke with a rusted interior of the myffler or idiots who thinks the bike will go faster with a "perfornmance" exhaust system?
  9. At least when they will know that they aren't in Isaan....
  10. Only for males 30-40 years older than the said women....
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