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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. I wonder why kids are using these flimsy aluminium rims? They are sturdy as tinfoil and downright dangerous on a bike. Imagine hitting a pothole and you could lose control of the bike.
  2. But it was only flour according to the 'exporter'....
  3. What's the matter with kids nowadays? Not enough spanking by their parents?
  4. That's a new one. If true he shouldn't be driving anything on a public road.
  5. CM is very quick with the return mail, 4-5 days max 1week.
  6. The taxi-mafia boss will probably compensate him.
  7. It's a scam because it's a free service and you should get this paper on the spot for free. Do you pay for the transfer stamps from an old passport to a new one?
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