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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. Scumbags! Jail them if they're identified, agood start eould be looking under the bed at mommys place.
  2. I always tap the brake pedal when entering a read light, just to check the brakes.
  3. Did it include electrical earthing and electrical sockets (earthed) in every room?
  4. Speaking of her, she has been really quite silent recently?
  5. I always use a paper map, but in this case they couldn't read a papermap as they where born in thailand.
  6. And how much fun did you have morons, a note to the parents: dont let them out of the house, and confiscate their mobile phones for 1 year.
  7. The parent's are guilty for letting a 13 year old kid driving (or trying to drive) the moped/scooter.
  8. Next week he'll get promoted to a desk job, as he obviously can't drive.
  9. This should teach the MEA officials to not use Super Glue next time when planting utitlity poles.
  10. She must discuss the matter with the one who's running the business at the moment (daddy)
  11. I wouldn't call them (RPT) as rescurces.
  12. I thought that schools where closed during these festivities?
  13. In this country it's called "normal" behaviour...
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