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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. Right,and don't let him have a whiff of those extra money he can make from this.
  2. They want to keep the filthy rich happy.
  3. Just curious, what do the rest of the day?
  4. Is that what they call themselves? A better name wuld be "coconut grannies"
  5. What can he or she do about it, nothing. The only thing these farmers nderstand is economic punishment or prison.
  6. Why not make it at home, but if you wan't a fancy romantic restaurant with candles on the table, you're on your own. It's easy to make, I do it once a month 30-40 minutes.
  7. Call the cops and demand a jail sentence.
  8. And her "brother" needs a new motorcycle.
  9. As long as it's smuggled out of the country, no harm done.
  10. Why not use some of them fighter jets they have? And while you're at it cose the border to Myanmar.
  11. What does Thaksin know about asean, he's been a fugitive for 17 years.
  12. Why are the crev members eyes covered on the photo?
  13. Terrible food, but good if he can get rid of the corrupt officials,
  14. Or fried fish, that'll stink.
  15. Then there is also the the risk that you'll end up as a highflyer victim.
  16. Well they thought wrong.
  17. Agree. Free lunch or dinner tomorrow. at their mum's place
  18. Indeed, if they're less than 5 against 1
  19. Still they opened a new forum about that.
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