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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. Most of them don't need it, visit your local 7/11 (not free though) for your paracetamol.
  2. Until someone have the guts to kill him (putin).
  3. ....and that she could be arrested for working without a wp.
  4. ....and that she could be arrested for working without a wp.
  5. ....and that she could be arrested for working without a wp.
  6. It could be good if he had any brothers or sisters who could take a note of the incident.
  7. This sounds not to clever, they could shoot each other from the side and back of the hut.
  8. Same with food, up because diesel is up, but never caome down,
  9. Yes, but you're dealing with the RTP and if there's no money invoved, they won't get interested.
  10. Try it on a road with sand sprinkled on it.
  11. Thai woman demands justice after finding Phuket Bolt driver in bed Not satisfied?
  12. They'll meet the same destiny/fate as the blackchin tilapia, there is something wrong with the water, polluted?
  13. It's about the air pressure in your tires.
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