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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. They shouldn't Look in their briefscases for brown envelopes.
  2. As long as they're almost free.
  3. Perhaps not, we could discuss his haircolour or style?
  4. What about all the hookers mostly thai?
  5. Well they can. My wife is not a sex worker but she'll get free healthcare.
  6. The RTP are doing OT as doctors now?
  7. It's not exagerated! 3000 + something
  8. Not really, just a tatooed idiot tourist without money,
  9. I 'd pefer later (after a prison term)
  10. So, you wan't a new war on drugs that'll get thousands of innocent people getting killed by trigger happy RTP's and army? Gawd, I dislake you and your family You can't stop the drugs unless you remove the corrupt RTP and the army, who take care of the billions of baht that the drugtrade is generating. Take care of your grand children instead before you're dead.
  11. It's actually a microphone for ET, so he can phone home.
  12. Are you a prepper?
  13. Not really, but I'd like to know when they're manufactured thanks
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