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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. Ah, so too high speed had nothing to do with it?
  2. He's probably not allowed and you should know why
  3. Yes he have, but what about his grand childen? He must be be a really lonely man.
  4. He had obviously some personal problems with the driver.
  5. Thei'll get killed hofefully, Stealing a bike, and this was not from punks with a noisy exhaust system comming home at 2.30 am.
  6. About this, you don't know anything.
  7. Yes, that might be a better word for them. Would a car wash help my chances (not washed it in 3 years) to get the same?
  8. Wwy not go all the way and check his underwear while his at it?
  9. Indeed, they shoud change uninion, if there is any (i don.t work here)
  10. Keep them in the fridge, they'll last much longer.
  11. Are thai poeople not supposed to always have ID cards on them, perrhaps the fish ate them?
  12. How about kick them out of the force?
  13. Invalidate her DL uniil she learns to stay awake.
  14. At least he missed the pole, it could have been worse.
  15. Many strange people in this country
  16. Being a beaty queen doesn't meean she doesn't have to be smart.
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